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    Possible sex outcomes from a hermi?

    How about Hermie crossed with a female??
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    Its been a long time since the last update, im too lazy to write, but here are some pictures of flowering ladies... the Pot of Gold is getting HUGE, too big infact...
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    Bet You've never seen this before....

    This is either LA Woman or Northern Lights, its been on 12/12 since just after thanksgiving and is looking pretty good (at least i think so!:bigjoint:). Since the beginning it looked a bit different from the other 2 plants, but it looks like its gonna yeild nice (Its the one on the far left)...
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    DWC res too cold???

    Hah yeah i just checked that and your right, Just dont let them get above 22 and your all good!
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    DWC res too cold???

    18-20 degrees?!?!?! Holy F*ck! your roots are gonna need heat packs lol 60-65 is ideal temps for roots, right now they prolly have ice on them.... remember that pot grows in good ambient room temps of 70-75 at night and 60-65 at night, the roots should not dip below 55 IMO..... Oh and...
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    Roots are in the water Do I lower the water level or not ?

    Teh water level should bne ike 1-2 inches from the bottom of the netpot. As long as there are bubbles in the water ull b good
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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    Aight man will do as soon as they wake up! Whats the right way to do a good flush, never done one before :(
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    Thanks! I'll go ahead and do that after this damn final>.<
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    Two Tone Leaves??? (w/pics)

    Looks fine to me lol, but I have bad eyes >.<
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    white slime on my roots,HELP

    And I'm pretty sure, any light on the roots = bad
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    white slime on my roots,HELP

    I can't c the roots but it sounds like rot, remove the slime by hand gently when u can and keep up h202..... My prob just kinda went away after a while
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)
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    A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)

    Can I still lst in flower? I thought I couldn't, but now I'm excited lol.... On a more depressing note, I have a major issue! Please can u guys take a look at my post and c if u can help! Link in 1 min
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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    Im not misting, and def no nute solution got on the leaves, i just changed the res yesterday, becuase i thought it was that deficiency. They started showing problems yesterday, while on 50% strength Fox Farm schedule. I then switched to bloom nutes at <75% strength and they did get a smidgen...
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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    The temps are about 60-70 at night, its sitting in my closet in my appt and im sure as hell not letting my appt get below 50! Im not sure of the water temp, its cool, NOT cold to the touch, but ive heard of water temps in the 40-50s with no issue, so i dont think thats it. If i had to gess ide...
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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    I mean im 90% sure, but then again if i knew everything i wouldn't be on here! Today is a perfect example of the problem... its 72* in the tent and the plant is worse! i dont think its too close to the light, its about 1.5ft away from the light, and there is a plany directly underneath the light...
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    Rapidly worsening! Please Help!

    The temp hasn't gone over 77 today and it's worse than this morning:( could it be a mg deficiency? Or maybe try got too cold las night?? I'm freaking out, it's just 1 plant that's showing signs of 3
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    white slime on my roots,HELP

    I tried to use Algeicide and it litterally killed my roots.... i would stick to max amout of H202 you can get awaywith and removing the slime by hand