Search results

  1. solid shadow

    increase humidity

    I'm having a bit of an issue with the humidity in my grow box. It's too low. Like, usually between 23% - 38%. Rarely does it go above 40%. I've tried putting an open container of water under my lights, but as I'm doing a CFL grow, there's really not a whole lot of heat and the water evaporates...
  2. solid shadow

    Whitefly problem

    Well, whitefly has once again descended upon my plants. I have already used the last of my yellow whitefly sticky traps; apparently so has everyone else in town. You'd think that a metroplitan city would have at least one place carrying the damn traps but NOOOOOOOOOO! We can't have that right...
  3. solid shadow

    Drip Table System

    Just make sure your drip table is opaque - as in, it's a solid color, blocking light from getting through to your roots or any amount of water which might not drain from the table. As it happens, I used to use the exact same plastic tub that sloeginfizz has in that picture he just posted. I had...
  4. solid shadow

    Jiffy Pots

    There are a lot of nutes to choose from, but one bit of advice I'd offer is to only purchase nutes which are specifically engineered for hydroponic applications. Just because a nutrient comes in liquid form - Miracle Grow Liquid Concentrate comes to mind - does not mean it is necessarily going...
  5. solid shadow

    do my roots have something wrong with them

    All the same, dump the res, clean the tub, put new water & nutes in, add hydrogen peroxide as was suggested, put in an airstone. It's difficult to ascertain just looking at that picture the exact maladay you're suffering but the advice given you is all good regardless of the problem. After...
  6. solid shadow

    Jiffy Pots

    I've used Jiffy Pots in hydro and soil, and I've had nothing but problems with them. Specifically, the 'netting' which provides the Jiffy Pot with its shape does not break down well and may cause your plants to become rootbound before they've even had a chance to take off. I tried cutting the...
  7. solid shadow

    Homemade hydroponics

    Here's a tutorial I put together a few weeks ago. This is the system I'm using and it's working quite well. Just be sure to add an airstone or two (I didn't have mine yet when I wrote this) and you'll be good to go. Marijuana Radio :: View topic - Build your own hydroponic garden CHEAP! (56k...
  8. solid shadow

    Avoiding root damage

    Since I changed out my resivoir last, my plants' roots have undergone a massive growth spurt. One plant is sporting about six inches worth from its mesh pot, the other has at least eighteen inches as of this morning. They've taken to wrapping themselves around the drip lines running from my pump...
  9. solid shadow

    do my roots have something wrong with them

    yeah, you definately need an airstone. I'd also suggest setting your plants aside someplace safe for a little bit and cleaning out your res, by which I mean dumping it, scrubbing it out inside and out with bleach water and restarting your nute bath. Just from the pic I'd say it's algea or some...
  10. solid shadow

    Cleaner res water!post your thoughts please

    All the water is doing is moving that film out of the way when it splashes down. It isn't cleaning the water at all. If you have a film in your resivoir, chances are you've got some sort of problem which needs fixing, i.e. light getting in and causing mild algea growth, or some sort of...
  11. solid shadow

    looking for pic of roots

    Answer #1: Use the search feature for this website. It's up near the top of the page, between "New Posts" and "Quick Links". Also browse the gallery. There are about a half bajillion pics on this site, many of which have to do with roots in hydro systems. Answer #2: Google Image Search
  12. solid shadow

    first hydro-drip system

    Your girls are looking nice Fizz! Hydroton can be a bitch right out of the bag, for sure. I take the bag outside, use a screwdriver to jab about twenty or thirty holes in the bottom of the bag (not too close together, don't want it to rip), and stick the end of my garden hose into the top of...
  13. solid shadow

    Couldy Res h20

    I had this happen once and discovered the problem was due to my having mixed nutrients from two different manufacturers. Apparently different brands can have bad interactions with one another. Hell, I've found nutes from the same manufacturer that didn't play well with each other! Anyway, I'm...
  14. solid shadow

    I Piss on my plants

    I'm not going to piss on my plants, but I'll sure as fuck feed them old bat shit. ...and for all the 420 fetishists out there, we've already got a few websites dedicated to pictures of naked chicks smoking the herb, what if we had a site full of pics of people pissing on their plants?
  15. solid shadow

    Help! Nute Burn Or Something More Sinister?

    As luck would have it, there is attic access in the closet, and there are firewalls between apartments. Like you said though, I'm not sure if they are odor proof. I know for a fact that the people who live(d) on either side of my place grew indoors - one guy actually used an entire room for his...
  16. solid shadow

    Question About Ph Meter

    A Hanna for $28? Hook a cracker up, man! Around here they're at least $100 :cry:
  17. solid shadow

    My Leaves Are Curling Down Is There Something Wrong
  18. solid shadow

    Question About Ph Meter

    While a digital meter is ideal, it is also expensive as hell, especially for a first time hobby grower. While you're saving up for a nice digital PH meter, use the General Hydroponics PH test kit. The kit alone will run you about six bucks, but there's a packaged deal some stores carry which...
  19. solid shadow

    First Time Grower Please Help

    Here's a really simple, inexpensive hydro system you can put together in about an hour with roughly $30 in parts. $30 is subjective to your local economy, of course; depending on where you happen to live the parts used in this system might cost a little more or a little less, but it's still far...
  20. solid shadow

    Help! Nute Burn Or Something More Sinister?

    Well, I've noticed some odd changes with my plants. Plant #1, which was most affected by this malady, seems to be recovering but I'm not 100% sure yet. The leaves showing this problem origianally are dry and almost to the point of falling off. They look terrible. The leaves above them show very...