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  1. littlewing

    reccomended dimensions for a box???

    why dont u just use the closet its self insted of putting a box inside it. and i wouldnt recommend cardboard neither. ud prob get 2 very small plants in there (try go for a low ryder or sumet, definatly an indica strain) but i think you need to do a little more researsh before you even start the...
  2. littlewing

    Help Designing stealth grow box

    hw many plants u thinking of growing or how big u thinking of making the box? u can pick up fans from alot of diy stores but im in uk so we dnt have walmart and that, but like i say unless ur doing a resonably big grow u wont need a squirel cage fan just a extract fan. spacing is a tough one, my...
  3. littlewing

    200w cfl hps fitting

    is it the warm white ones that i want are they the blue spec bulbs?
  4. littlewing

    200w cfl hps fitting

    yes it is a self ballast thanks for that, so if i just get a blue spectrum cfl a wire it up and put it in my grow box with the hps? i was going to get the 200w cfl because of its high power but could i just get a lower watt one and put it in there bcos im keeping the hps as well? the problem...
  5. littlewing

    200w cfl hps fitting

    i am curently using a 250w hps for veg and flower, but wanted something better for veg but i know i cant use a mh bulb with my hps ballast, but ive seen a 200w blue spectrum cfl on ebay and it has the same e40 fitting and wondering if i could use this through the ballast or would i need to...
  6. littlewing

    Where to best place your extractor fan???

    helpful guide there mate, guna check my space to fan ratio see how it works out, my plants are fine but curious thanks
  7. littlewing

    Help Designing stealth grow box

    you could place the fans where the outer red lines are on the diagram, if your goin on a budget just get some bathroom extract fans.make sure u flip one so there not both extract. the air outlet would be the best place for the carbon filter, fit the fan then then fit the filter to the outside...
  8. littlewing

    A Watering and flushing tutorial for soil

    sweet thread man thanks just looking into flushing and help alot.
  9. littlewing

    Help a fellow grower

    no light til they pop the surface water when drying out, dont drench dont use grow big nutes on a seedling, dnt use any nutes at all for a few weeks
  10. littlewing

    Lil bit strapped here...

    ive used jif lemon b4 and vinigar wat exactly is wrong with your plants?
  11. littlewing

    24hr Light for Freshly Popped Seeds

    after my seeds germinated and i placed them in my medium i left the light on for 24 hrs for the first week, then after that i put the light on 18/6 for veg period
  12. littlewing

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    12/12 ok for quick turnaround, butr if u wnt a decent yield 18/6 is the way to go
  13. littlewing


    i vegged for a month on my last grow but i dont have much space in the way of height, i started flowering when i used up about a third of my height, want more bud veg for longer. hope this helps
  14. littlewing

    need help topping!

    fiming is when you fuck it up and get it not quite right. Fuck I Messed up
  15. littlewing

    going for hydro wat u fink!!

    can anyone give me any clues as to how many feeds i should be giving them per day,say if i give them alot of small feeds per day or a few big ones. thanks
  16. littlewing

    going for hydro wat u fink!!

    cheers man, im buying it then. yeh guna get the clay pebbles. what do you mean by adding another feeding onto there schedule, just feed more often? how many times per day do i have the pump on for, and for how long? thanks or and +rep for you
  17. littlewing

    going for hydro wat u fink!!

    im not sure on the capacity of the pots as i havnt bought it yet, heres another pic if that helps, they look about 6-7 cm square to me. and i would just fill these pots with clay pebbles and this would do me all way of grow with say 6 plants even if pots are this big? thanks for your...
  18. littlewing

    going for hydro wat u fink!!

    sorry no pic could nt get it on, maybe this time
  19. littlewing

    going for hydro wat u fink!!

    ive done with my organic grow and wanted to try an hydro grow as a bit of an experiment and obviously to try to get more yield. i know nothing about hydro at all realy and just wondering if this ststem which is in the photo would be a good idea. could i use all the pots or would the plants be...
  20. littlewing

    Turned on Duct Fan and Tent began to Reek! Help!

    yeh fan is wasted.smoke is not good. dont use the insulated flexi duct on your air intake line unless u running through a filter box which is just more gear so id just get some normal flex