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  1. littlewing

    crunchy brown leaves at bottom of seedlings

    do you think if it was light intencity the uppr leaves would have been affected as well? yeh could be lockout? wat is ph of your soil ? i dont think no.3 he did say he was using canna a+b. how often u watering?
  2. littlewing

    harvest time? 9weeks sativa. please help!

    idk i cant f*cking see with this stupid glass, lol. hahhaha, iv just pissed my pants. funny as fuk. i dnt know shit bout sativas but + rep for the comment.
  3. littlewing

    crunchy brown leaves at bottom of seedlings

    are they the very bottom leaves, the first two that shooted, just one leaf at each side, but havnt developed into the typical mj leaf shape. because i had the same thing and them leaves just do that then fall off, if not then have you started nutes yet, mine did the same thing and i cut down...
  4. littlewing

    what cfls?

    cheers for the links helped alot. reply to mrmicah-- i used HPS to veg my other plants, i know its not ideal but they were fine, maybe took abit longer to to mature but fine.
  5. littlewing

    420 wtf?

    sweet, thanks for the info every days a school day
  6. littlewing

    420 wtf?

    i know this might sound stupid to most but im not new to weed but i am new to growing and every where i look im allways seeing 420 on things it just keeps popping up and i was wondering what the fuck it meant:confused::confused: the only thing i can link it to is something to do with light...
  7. littlewing

    First indoor grow, any pointers??

    id get the fan blowing onto the side of them to strnthen the stems and id get lights a little closer the one on the left looks like its streching
  8. littlewing

    AIR FLOW/odor leakage?? critiques plz!

    the plant wont start smelling til you flower it, that was the case with me anyway, dont know bout other strains but mine didnt start smelling til i put it to flower, if your worried bout the smell seeping through the gaps in the box, get some bathroom silicone or duct sealant and run it down...
  9. littlewing

    what cfls?

    i just want to keep the clones in there til my other plants finish flowering which id say is bout a month, but i havnt got the clones yet nor the lights so id say ill be keeping the new plants under cfls for bout 2 weeks or so then i can get them in my other box with the HPS light in. would it...
  10. littlewing

    what cfls?

    but what are the other names for these things, i hear things like soft white, cool white, daylight, what is what??
  11. littlewing

    What light should i use in a 1.7x0.5x0.8m stand alone cupboard?

    also i think you should look into a duel ballast then in time you can get a metal halide bulb as well and swap them over when goin from veg to flower. just an idea, i use HPS for flower and veg and its fine but im still on my first grow and i wish i had bought one of them ballasts myself just...
  12. littlewing

    what cfls?

    ive been growing for a while under HPS light but i only have the one and ive turned it to 12/12 to flower my plants but im getting another box together to get my clones ready in, but im wanting to go with CFLs to save on the lecky bill. so i was just wondering what cfls i need to veg the...
  13. littlewing

    10 days old, is it doing ok?

    sweeeeeeeet, looks just perfect, keep it up.
  14. littlewing

    help on growing,newbie here.

    although grobo says get mg soil i think most wouldnt recommend that because you cant control the nutrients and the seedlings and the small shoots dnt need that much in the way of food for first few weeks and if you get nute burn theres no way to stop it because the nutes are in the soil, but if...
  15. littlewing


    i had this same prob, i went to b&q, garden centres, hardware shops like wilkinsons and so on and the highest wattage i could find was 23 watt which is equivilant to 100 watt,and i found them at b&q. then i just thought fek it and got a 250w hps instead. but like african says they shud be ok...
  16. littlewing

    From Seed to Flower in less than a day

    mmm...interesting. ill give ut a go, ill be sure to get back with my results
  17. littlewing

    reccomended dimensions for a box???

    if anyone opens the closet anyway they will prob smell it or its guna look really suspicious and they guna say "what is that" put a lock on closet and just tell people its where you keep your beloved gilbert and sullivan records, haha or sumet random like that. those temps is that just the temp...
  18. littlewing

    overwatering? HELP!

    yeh maybe its time to start some nutes, does your soil have any nutes allready in it if it does just go with bout 1/4 strength for first couple of feeds then up to half strength for a couple more , but it all comes down to wat soil u have and wat nutrients u have. if u dnt have a moisture reader...
  19. littlewing

    overwatering? HELP!

    how old are the plants? sound like over watering had it myself not so long back watering my organic grow once every 2 days and they looked like shit, diagnosed it and went to just once every 5 days and they started shooting up and looking beutiful, nothing worst than over watering.
  20. littlewing

    Introduction/First Grow

    welcome to RIU hope the grow goes well.