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  1. Wh00p

    trainwreck for thanksgiving

    tbh getting labled as that guy who has bomb weed in the family is a curse. I remember back in chicago I was lucky to find a great connection dealing Konbud, brought a 8th for about $55 smoked up a whole lot of my cousins. and my entire time period living there, I was constantly becoming that...
  2. Wh00p

    mixing during storage

    you should store them in two jars to feel more gangster i suppose. "what will it be? behind jar number one is A fine strain of dro, behind another is yet another fine straight of jar, and the third jar? thats my toenail clippings nigga, pick wisely, you might get high or you might die!"
  3. Wh00p

    Ps3 or x-box

    Ill add to the list of games i want to get: Fable 2 (for the PC, Ps3 fan!) the last remnant(that looked sick, plus since there customizing the Ps3 engine, it'll be sick) ____________________________________ But the games I played and came for had to be saints row 2, resistance 2...
  4. Wh00p

    In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

    wiki you shouldnt do this What about me? Inless you consider a trippy looking frog sexual to boobage. :)
  5. Wh00p

    Got kicked out of KMK concert for smokin weed.

    in your car? did you hotbox it?
  6. Wh00p

    Who's Got a Munchie Drawer..?

    its easy to post that picture as your avitar, but its not easy to post a picture of you holding a RIU sign with a <bleep> in her <bleep> so ill believe it.. starting never. by the way I totally did the frog on the bottom, in fact the frog on top is my son.
  7. Wh00p

    What can you make a bong out of?

    if i had dank nugs its glass, lol you have to be practical. whittle? for real? say: straw pen big bottle of saline solution rubber hose metal bowl piece i doubt people have a empty gerbal cage lying around..
  8. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    I loved my metabolism back then. smoked a blunt 2-3 days before a drug test, pass it good times :|
  9. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    my way is legal. your way ends up on judge judy
  10. Wh00p


    cookie dough is the shit, when refridged, these guys were eating cookies from a Freezer, Bakers freezers are so cold you could break your tooth eating in them.
  11. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    basicly, you start a website with (get this) a carbon credit calculator, which adds up how much carbon dioxide (or monoxide i forget which) you do in x ammount of time, so say you drove 50 miles in your truck. the "carbon counter" would tally how much money it would cost you. and then they pay...
  12. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    could always start a scam on the internet.. i think its called carbon credits zing
  13. Wh00p


    yes i am oh wait in general.. I know some guys that are really ugly the kind so ugly you would rather hear them on the radio then see them live. lol. I finished up coolage btw wikki if you dont remember.. I work in a bakery and spend some of my time writing short storys. like this one...
  14. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

  15. Wh00p

    When did you start to smoke Ganja?

    there are plenty of people that are rich in the world that get high, but the situation in the world today is that they cant get just smoke on there front porch or smoke a blunt while getting driven around, people like donald trump cant afford to have that kind of slander against him, Rappers can...
  16. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    ah damn grow, Im very sry, that it made you depressed, not because your married.
  17. Wh00p


    Not much wiki, today i spent an hour practicing a social distortion cover. a local guitarist is in the hospital for a herion od. so the lead singer asked me to fill in for him. oh my jesus, yesterday i went over to the house where they practice at. and let me just say, it went a little like...
  18. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    I wish i had a motorcycle :eyesmoke:
  19. Wh00p

    When did you start to smoke Ganja?

    i started smoking at the age of 14, couldnt get any weed because my sister was the most popular chick at highschool, but her friends hooked me up, and later when i was like 16 I returned the favor as soon as i got my first job. I think at the time i did it for all the wrong reasons, Dad just...
  20. Wh00p

    Cheer Up GoGrow!

    when i lived near chicago in the burbs, i barrowed a lawn mower and a grass trimmer and drove around. its as shitty as it sounds, but I was making bank. and my boss didnt institute drug testing(hint, I was my own boss at the time)