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  1. Wh00p

    This is pretty much why you dont make a scene at 11:30

    she was pretty bummed, I Went over, and she was crying because she lost her husky in the process of all the arguing. so I went to go find her dog. after like 2 hours came home, got high left.
  2. Wh00p

    Jack ass #3

    my balls have been squeezed enough, In ways were both right. Im just more right :)
  3. Wh00p

    Jack ass #3

    but it was leftover film from there second movie, thus jackass 2.5
  4. Wh00p

    This is pretty much why you dont make a scene at 11:30

    You know I'm really pissed off for the following: 1. I have had shitty ass neighbors since I have lived on my own. This girl? I actually like her. we share a backporch and catch each other smoking. 2. I got kakblocked tonight. this girl was a belly dancer :wall::wall: 3. This guy is a douche...
  5. Wh00p

    Jack ass #3

    thats why it didnt make the movie, besides its 2.5 not three.
  6. Wh00p

    This is pretty much why you dont make a scene at 11:30

    So here I am smoking out of my bong, and out of no where My house(which is connected to another house.) I here "Open the door you stupid cunt!" *pound pound pound* and I look out the window, And I see My Neighbors dumbass boyfriend being a absolute dick. I had half a mind of going out there and...
  7. Wh00p


    I remember one time when i was a youngin I smoked with some friends, went home. played on the computer for a bit, and then i burped a Circular cloud of smoke. But i remember this one time when I had A painkiller addiction I took 5 hydro's and after I was done with the trip I was consistently...
  8. Wh00p

    I need a doctor! Is there a doctor in the house!?

    Oh trust me pan, My dads been in Jail for a few years, Its no joke. Im sure some of my family members can relate.
  9. Wh00p

    Let Me Hear From A Responsible Smoker

    Airman, weed+ the smell of fresh cut wood = best feeling ever. I was a carpenter back in Chicago for a bit
  10. Wh00p

    I need a doctor! Is there a doctor in the house!?

    lol i wanted to ask if his finger was broken panhead :)
  11. Wh00p

    Let Me Hear From A Responsible Smoker

    im pretty sure the guy who mods RIU sells marijuana for a living. but dont tell anyone :rolleyes:
  12. Wh00p

    I need a doctor! Is there a doctor in the house!?

    some version of arrest.
  13. Wh00p


    I was gonna say that. Jeigor + blunt is a improper function Blunt+ jeigor= trippy time.
  14. Wh00p

    Bear attacks student who just wanted to give it a hug.

    me to. made me cry.
  15. Wh00p

    Bear attacks student who just wanted to give it a hug.

    most college students are on xanax not always dirty harry, read where the Red fern grows.
  16. Wh00p

    Best ways to tell someone to pass the bowl

    The only time I get annoyed is if its my weed and A blunt or a Joint is being flamed. And even then Im not like "Dude!" smack smack "pass the L/J" and look like a dick. Ill be more subtle and be like "are ya gonna hit that buddy?" and make him look stupid. but if its a bowl. then I really...
  17. Wh00p

    pay it forward man!

    I think He owns a port city Java now. If you ever see one with a wall of fame, that's me on there lol.
  18. Wh00p

    pay it forward man!

    I did alot of stuff my high school years to help the world. I started a peace club, which Donated blood, Started canned food drives regularly. Even got the Vice principle to have each can pay book fee's (1.50 each fee) and for like 200 can goods, you could void a small time suspension. this...
  19. Wh00p

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I paid $35 bucks for about 3-4 grams of some shit last night from a friend I trust. Needles to say I was the favorite at the party, rolled two blunts, smoked back to back with maybe 7 heads And everyone was pretty high. there really isnt a better feeling, Then I left and rolled a blunt with...
  20. Wh00p

    $45-$60 a gram?

    I agree, Even mids where Im at dont go for more then Reggie prices, and Reggie is even cheaper but before i hijack Ive gotten text on the cell asking if i wanted to buy a 55 doller gram of california orange kush. and of course my response was "hell no" Now $20 bucks a gram for Lambs breath...