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  1. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Guess you answered the question about the windowsill swazi`s they are getting massive ! "{{p#@!!@#$};f Dam they look amazing . Can`t wait to see how much it harvest`s it`s not strong smelling when it`s growing so good windowsill plant too grow . + rep for pulling that off in the winter dude is...
  2. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    More red 2700 k spectum will get you fatter buds cept it`s a mission to locate them here . 4 weeks isn`t long that plant looks like a mostly sativa dominant compared to the male one also the way it`s cola`s are forming . Nice pics lol quality is good on the camera you got your girl . Can see...
  3. Kieshed

    Multi 100 Watt CFL - Multi Strain - 12 / 12 From Seed - Perpetural Grow

    The green posion looks like the best too me the tiny flowering too is also pretty epic the plants do well flowering under 2700 k even if they small . Yeh some pics of the green posion once it`s cured a little will be interesting too see it`s realy mouthwatering gear , any idea on that strains...
  4. Kieshed

    Rebelfied Grow 2012 - Take 2!

    All the other ones look like nice hybrids good uniform growth on them , looks like most of them have a good amount of indica in them . Is the P deficent one the drooping one with the brown on the leaves I think it was wrong with one of my plants of last grow atleast I know what to look for now ...
  5. Kieshed

    Second grow ever

    That`s crazy update with some pics when you can . It must have alot of sativa in it if it`s going that long and not showing sex my males ussually show within a few days in most cases so hopefully that is a female since it`s taking forever . I`m growing 12.12 fs now and I sexed a plant from seed...
  6. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Lol .. Straight into the soil and patience is working well for me takes a while too sprout though . I put compost in the bottom of one of my pots and it worked fine too grew a nice big 12/12 fs plant but it went male on me . This grow I got 5/6 plants female on 12/12 and once they become...
  7. Kieshed

    Grow #2 90 watts (CFL)

    Awesome grow too bad about having too go away would of like to have seen how those indoor clones turned out just in the grow room with no dome . Well done on the one that survived and the mother looks good . You or Growone must check out my plants and tell me if i should try out some clones the...
  8. Kieshed

    Stealth 165 watt CFL grow

    The one in the last picture in the mixed strain pot is female , so got 6 now . It`s either one of the hybrid bagseed or a fast flowering sativa variety I just tossed some seeds in the side of the pot and it grew has started flowering in 2-3 weeks . Peace .
  9. Kieshed

    Rebelfied Grow 2012 - Take 2!

    Well done on last harvest also growing organically and with bagseed :) . I liKe the Indica dominant looking one because I`ve been smoking too much sativa and last run was a pure sativa . Getting good female ratios last run was 2/3 plants female ..... This run I`ve got 5 females all 12/12 from...
  10. Kieshed

    Stealth 165 watt CFL grow

    Any suggestions ? The main hybrid plant is getting massive it looked very indica dominant when it was a seedling and now it sort of looks sativa just with fatter leaves and it was started on 12/12 like the rest of the plants in the cab now except the Swazi which basically revegged in 12/12 from...
  11. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Update - Pot one still just got one swazi landrace and one skunk hybrid sprouted 08/14 . Pot two - Sprouted today after 5-6 days in soil just put two skunk hybrid`s in that one both sprouted going to chop one later :) . 08/18 POT1 POT 2 picture does`nt want to upload check out the mixed strain...
  12. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Depends if your class get`s more entries or you`ll be in with us .
  13. Kieshed

    Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors

    Fuck this guy My nations old regime pawned communist`s with self manufactured weapons and maybe some convert help from the U.S.A . Anyways lol let the confederate`s fly their flag if they want it`s a part of their heritage . You sound like a whiney liberal sometimes freedom has a high price...
  14. Kieshed

    Rebelfied Grow 2012 - Take 2!

    Looks good I`ll be watching this one quite an epic setup you`v got . Any idea on what strain you growing ? . Looks like it has quite a bit of sativa in it but we`ll see how they bud . Peace keep it up . Last grow looks sweat how much watts did you use on that grow ? .
  15. Kieshed

    Super Indica Unkown Bagseed Strain Grow (Gaint seedling content inside)

    Cool will try those techniques on the new plants I got coming along . Yup RiU was doing the same too me earlier now I can post again :) yay . Anyways peace will be interesting to see how the this one yields .
  16. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    That is resin :) . Yeh the soil is worth a try sounds like good stuff :) . Thanks will check out photobucket . The rice tip is something to try didn`t know about that . Yeh does have a while to go but it`ll probably be done soon when all those cola`s connect . Peace
  17. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Growers in comp CFL/T5 class one . Kieshed- Just got two plants in one pot germing the other two . Goergexxx- 1 Pineapple kush 1 Aurora Indica 1 Unknown bagseed . Indoormania- One skunk hybrid plant so far . Remo360- Ak47 and bagseeds . Donkeyshow- Pot #1 SNOW BUD X CHAMPAIGN , Pot #2...
  18. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    You can grow as many as you like and then later into the comp pic the ones you want entered in if you want . No real rules for selection can enter plants then pull them later just must have three max plants in the competition at a time .
  19. Kieshed

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Well done the first one too germ all 3 pots and have 3 plants running in the competition :) they look good and the grow medium looks realy nice .