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  1. Kieshed

    Lowryder # 2

    Looks good i can get that strain locally how much watts are using ?
  2. Kieshed

    3rd cfl grow

    This is sick did you grow from seed or clone and what spectrum is your 180 watt`s made up of ?.
  3. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Thanks yeh im just in a pretty ragtag part of the country at the moment just had trouble finding any CFL`s over 20 -25 watts in the 2700 k and 6500 k . Walmart just took over Game another supermarket group here , so hopefully we will be able to buy better shit those mogul sockets , clamp...
  4. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    I need a thermo too from the shop in obs a hygrometer is 290 with lcd display but I don`t think it`s worth it for such a smallscale grow .
  5. Kieshed

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    Just a little update - day 92 from seed - topped once and put into flower at week 6 . The smaller ones one is female with hairs and the nice looking very healthy one I think is gunna be a male , I`ll put it by a windowsil in another room if so then i can collect some of it`s pollen and make a...
  6. Kieshed

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    Just a little update - day 92 from seed - topped once and put into flower at week 6 . The smaller ones one is female with hairs and the nice looking very healthy one I think is gunna be a male , I`ll put it by a windowsil in another room if so then i can collect some of it`s pollen and make a...
  7. Kieshed

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    Nah you don`t need the plant in the box during the day just but in their at night and put a sheet over it closed should work mine are just under a table with 3 sheets over and a thin table clothe and air coming in from a fan under the bed and their is a window next to the table so air blows in .:) .
  8. Kieshed

    First grow, first journal. CFL

    Great job bro . The leaves already look propped up and plants look bigger it looks sophisticated :) realy nice little build the nodes should grow nicely now when they get a little bigger . What strain are you trying to germ now dude ? Peace i`m liking all the upgrades .
  9. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Yup remember if you reading guides from people in the States that a gallon = 3. 87 litres around i think . Just get a large a cardboard box for those swazi`s . That`s actually a nice idea use your swazi plants as mothers if you get females from them will be awesome to see how the clones do ...
  10. Kieshed

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    Awe bro it depends you can let them grow under that natural cycle if you want a big harvest off them and you got the space . I was just tryna make sure that no lights from your place get on them during the night or they`ll never flower , you could even use a large cardboard box to put them in i...
  11. Kieshed

    how are my plants looking. about 5 weeks into flowering. about 200 watts of cfl

    Wow yeh i only grown on smallscale in my garden but all our landraces and highly resistant than pests if you even come across a strain called transkei you should scoop up a few on those seeds it`s a pure sativa that grows relatively small and is sold as high grade here it easily competes with...
  12. Kieshed

    Second grow ever

    Oh i think it means that the bulbs are 150 watt equivilent compared to a normal light bulb .They doing realy good for 90 watts :) . Yup full spectrum does make them grow awesome i can`t wait to have a metal halide to veg with gunna be able to veg like a beast . Yup change them out though just...
  13. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Oh shit didn`t read properly we still waiting on plant two to show it`signs .
  14. Kieshed

    stealth grow under cfl!

    OH f*** yeh two females good to hear they are looking so good new growth is a nice colour . Is your growroom completely light tight ? so that when it`s night or when the lights are off they get complete darkness same for the swazi`s (they got some weird looking thick leaves on them sorta like a...
  15. Kieshed

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    Oh it just tricks the plant into thinking that the summer is ending so causes more hormones to be utilized to flower faster so the plant finishes faster but the yield is reduced but if i don`t do it this plant will run forever . It`s pretty much been programmed into this plant`s gene`s to finish...
  16. Kieshed

    First grow, first journal. CFL

    Looking good you`ll see now that the plants will start swaying and sort of dancing to the tunes this stimulates stem growth and makes them grow faster . Jokes but it does help so it`s an awesome addition . 100 watts for vegging is awesome and you got the perfect spectrum so after the seedlings...
  17. Kieshed

    Closet CFL 140w Grow

    Yup they should take between one and two weeks after the light has switched . I have a small plant the size of these that has been on 12-12 from seed still waiting for it to flower so you`re right could take a while for the plants to be big enough to actually flower even if 12-12 period has been...
  18. Kieshed

    Second grow ever

    They both looking awesome plant two is catching up nicely . You were lucky got a clean cut on them and the two nodes are perfect and undamaged be careful though those nodes turn into little plants of their own and start to get huge . How much watts are you using in total now they are growing...
  19. Kieshed

    i just wanna share my passion with the passionate

    Nice location nothing beats just a nice lowkey at your home garden kinda grow i`m in a flat now so not that lucky anymore but used to grow plently in my parents garden and they`d allow me and shit got lank liberal xD . Gettng own house december so it`s all good your plants are looking awesome...
  20. Kieshed

    how are my plants looking. about 5 weeks into flowering. about 200 watts of cfl

    Oh sorry lol did`nt see you stating the strain yeh now that you mention it does look like a hybrid we`ll see how it does that trainwreck is becoming a very popular indoor strain here in SA . You got a 072 number so i`m assuming you from here sup look out for indoormania and daggamonster too...