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  1. dLoc07

    smoking out of my new pipe

    She sure did!!! TO THE DUNGEON WITH HER!!!
  2. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    I got out December 5th 2010, but have been in pa since nov. 8th. I had a shit ton of leave left when I got out.... I had like 59 days accrued, and used 27 to come home on my birthday, and got paid another month after my ets date (dec 5) which was cool.
  3. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    I wish I was over that way... I don't know anyone here!! So hard to meet people too. Not cause I'm not friendly, but if you don't know someone to kinda vouche for you and say you're cool, then a lot of people look at you like an undercover or informant... You know what I mean? A deal like that...
  4. dLoc07

    white mother rapes her 10 month old son, videotapes it

    I'm glad she fucking got caught!! Fucking sick cunt! Not only to molest someone, but her own son?? Disgusting pig deserves what shes facing... 46-life! There should be no leniency shown for ANYONE who does something like this!
  5. dLoc07

    Free Demonoid Invitation Code's!

    Is there anyone that hasn't gotten one??? If you haven't gotten one, I got some codes too!! PM me and I'll make it happen!!
  6. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    I don't mind paying 20 a gram for a gram, but I get more than a gram at a time... I was paying 60 a cut, and it was all exotic strains... Blueberry, some shit called green taser which I'm still not even sure if it was a real strain or if that's what he called it, juicy fruit, blue dream...
  7. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Yeah I know that feeling... You don't miss any of it, but you miss all of it!! Lol so hard to explain that feeling! While it was going on it sucked dick, but when it was all done and over with, it wasn't so bad. What year did you get out??
  8. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    That kills me! They did the same shit with our unit... Butter bars that just got out of college in charge of soldiers with multiple tours. Ridiculous!!
  9. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Go figure.... Purple heart doesn't get you much, and after you're out the army could give a fuck about you.
  10. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Yeah I'm out. My wife wanted me out, because I only saw her once a year for 2 weeks, and only saw my daughter one month and she was 2 years old. So she wanted me home, to start doing the family thing, and start living a normal life again. Plus I hated garrison!! I lived being deployed, but hated...
  11. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Yeah I know where that is, my first house before I deployed was on the side st.... Mcgaha ct. That's crazy to wind up finding someone else on this site that was there and everything... I haven't talked about this stuff to anyone since I left! Kinda nice reminiscing! Lol
  12. dLoc07

    word to the wise

    Please tell me you stopped by The Shack if you were on Oahu. It's nothing great, but very cool place to go!
  13. dLoc07

    word to the wise

    Some of the best weed in the world down there, yeah? Even their dirt weed is grade a shit hahahaha what island(s) you visit?? I can't see the full background but looks just like the Resturant in Waikiki, I can't remember the name of it... I actually just texted my wife to ask her the name of...
  14. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    I know exactly where you're talking about... Must have been 2 27 in delta quad then... I don't remember how they spelt it either, but I know exactly what barracks you're talking about. Our motor pool was a block away from those barracks... If you were at the main light on the side road with the...
  15. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Excellent picture!!! Lmfao that's really funny!! I wonder if that was a real sticker the store made for that??? That would be hilarious to actually see!!!
  16. dLoc07

    word to the wise

    Well... In all fairness, it's a wonderful place... To visit, not live. I guess it would be different if I had family there, but during my experience living there for quite a few years, I only had my wife and kids... If my family, and my wife's family were there, I'm sure it would have been...
  17. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    I know the feeling... Island fever is worse than being in jail hahahaha always running into the same people at the same places.... I know where helemano is though... You were in D quad right?!?!I think that's where 1 27 was, maybe it was 2 27 .... I was in E quad. Alpha wardogs. Steel...
  18. dLoc07

    do people really randomly put on their friends dirty pants?

    I hate that shit!! Its ridiculous, looks stupid, and they sound dumb!! They spell like idiots on the computer... And think they're Pablo Escobar if they're holding an ounce! Especially white guys! Blacks are bad enough, but they dont look half as ridiculous as suburban white boys!
  19. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    You always gotta root for your local team... Be un-American not to!!
  20. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    You living in Pittsburgh now??