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  1. dLoc07

    I have a weed problem - do you?

    I say go for it!! I don't work... I make enough money sitting at home that I don't have too.... As for one deal every 3 months, well I just suggest you start getting more plants into the rotation so y can harvest more often. Maybe once a month, or even better every 2 weeks. There's ways to do...
  2. dLoc07

    Do you eat out or cook at home more?

    ps your location is EXCELLENT!!!
  3. dLoc07

    Do you eat out or cook at home more?

    Amen... Well we do about equal out and in. But if you're referring to urca, it's not do you eat out or in more, it's more about what doesn't she eat while out or in.... That's one of the worlds greatest mysteries!!
  4. dLoc07

    Question for men

    Seriously, no one else thinks this is a huge issue?!?! Really!?!? What has this world come to that bottle caps are not the biggest deal ever??
  5. dLoc07

    Question for men

    So ummm guys, would you rather use a bottle opener on a bottle, or twist it off?? Cause this stuff is really important!!! My wife is a bartender, and the way she has to get the bottle caps off is really a huge issue!! So GUYS, some advice please! This is a life or death situation here!
  6. dLoc07

    Question for men

    Hahahaha you know would be coming.... Titled one of the following... "my bfffl is getting married" "this guy that I met online, I think he wants to marry me. What do I do!?!?" or "I don't know anyone that's getting married, nor am I getting married, but I'm still going to post a retarded thread...
  7. dLoc07

    I hate my hands....

    When I lived in Hawaii, I saw some guy all geeked out on meth karate kicking his way across the highway! Lol it was so strange!!!! But hilarious none the less!
  8. dLoc07

    I hate my hands....

    Since random nonsense seems to be the topic of every single one of urcas threads, what's the most random thing you've seen while driving??? I was down town pittsburgh on the west end a few months back and saw this really nice older el derado, and in the passenger seat was a kid wearing a helmet...
  9. dLoc07

    I hate my hands....

    Something wrong withe your hand and neck now too, to go with your family problems, bf problems, school problems, your problem with other fat people.... I think the only problem is that you post shit Noone really gives a fuck about! You know how some people don't think before they talk, well your...
  10. dLoc07

    A moment of Silence in rememberence of 9/11....

    Yeah, if they went through all that trouble over an overdose.... That would be retarded... Even if they did, and they saw what you said, I can promise you they would feel a sense of relief that you were no longer part of this country, or world for that matter! So DO IT! Fuck off!!
  11. dLoc07

    Anyone else have this grow book?

    If you would like an invite code, I can do that... PM me and we'll talk!!
  12. dLoc07

    Anyone else have this grow book?

    Yes it is... And it's the best torrent site out there with the best quality and always the first to the newest movies, books, computer apps, software, and video games among other things!
  13. dLoc07

    Anyone else have this grow book?

    Ebooks are very nice to put on your iPod, iPad, Relly any tablet, or laptop.
  14. dLoc07

    Anyone else have this grow book?

    Hey I found the ebook version for free here at demonoid as a torrent. You will need an invite code to become a member to download it, which I have. So if you would like a code please pm me and we will figure something out! Thanks!
  15. dLoc07

    A moment of Silence in rememberence of 9/11....

    Couldnt have said it better myself!! He's a troll... Probably looks like a troll too! I'd love to see him say some shit like that in front of total strangers in person. He'd get his ass beat. But he's an Internet tough guy here.... Don't slam your enter button too hard nusky!
  16. dLoc07

    A moment of Silence in rememberence of 9/11....

    Well said, I'd like Ito add, not to forget the soldiers overseas that have died as a result of those attacks. True heroes!!
  17. dLoc07

    smoking out of my new pipe

    We the jury find the defendant to be NOT GUILTY on the account of being high!! Ain't that some shit to hear??
  18. dLoc07

    Pittsburgh steelers

    Fuck it, it was worth a try.... Didn't lose anything by asking...
  19. dLoc07

    smoking out of my new pipe

    Well played!!
  20. dLoc07

    smoking out of my new pipe

    THANK YOU!! I thought I was the only one looking at that like I was misreading it. Who refuses to pay over $25 for something nice?? I've seen people pay around 200 for them. I don't know any shops around this way that have a pipe under 60. Well you pay cheap, you get cheap!! Urca doesn't smoke...