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  1. D

    how long can I keep a seedling in a 1.5 inch rockwool starter cube

    This kind of starter cube So I want to keep my seedling in the rockwool until it has a couple of sets of leaves, how long can I usually keep it in the starter plug? I wouldn't want to have the plants become rootbound Should I transplant them into a 3 or 4 inch bigger rockwool cube before...
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    ^^ this guy is a hero thanks to everyone who helped! I've touched some seeds I have in storage with my bare hands before, how should I clean them before planting? I used to have a university paper on the best methods but I can't locate it anymore :( dilute pharmacy grade peroxide solution...
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    Getting Rid of my equipment

    sell it on ebay and if you sell to someone in the same state, reply that sorry my lamp is broken I thought it was working! and cancel the auction
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    Very Quick Question! (Seed starting)

    i keep the light on so that room temps are bumped up a bit
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    they are growing no problem, the other seedling is going great, no problems at all on the "grow" standpoint If it was environmental, it would affect both of them right? I'm still thinking the bad ph from the hydroton shocked the plant and it hasn't recovered from that, why else would the 2nd...
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    DWC seedling question (HYDROTON)

    hps futher away will STRETCH the plant CFL a few inches away wont!
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    I chopped off the bottom nodes, added a bit of calmag lets see if it gets better or worse *fingers crossed*
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    nah i use some weak stregth aqua a+b with some GO Bio-Weed and a thing called vita max plus edit- new growth looks fine but the brown spots are getting worse and worse every day
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    I use 6 inch pots, roots just started poking out yesterday, you think now that ph is stable that the plant will stop getting worse? airflow is good, humidity 30-40%
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    ppm is lower than 300, do you use DWC? I have a feeling its hard to know if it's lack of nutes, or just nute lockout because of the ph-high hydrotron from last week
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    I use filtered tap water that's about 80ppm that's two pics of the same plant btw, the other one is green as can be
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    seedling in trouble... dwc, tried everything (pics, +rep, free hat)

    Strain: Female Seeds White Widow x Bid Bud ph: 5.3 - 5.8 250mh 16 inches away water temps between 65-68 using house and garden aqua a-b + roots excel I have another plant exactly the same and it is fine no problems at all. This one I used new hydroton and I cleaned it, but I didn't soak it in...
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    For Best Results Use Amino Treatment from the first day of vegetative growth until three weeks before the end of the flowering cycle. that's pretty damn close to the entire grow, especially if you have a 12 week sativa
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    to be fair on the canadian website they do try to gouge you into using way more nutes it's documented a few pages back
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    DWC seedling question (HYDROTON)

    I agree with this guy
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    DWC seedling question (HYDROTON)

    Will the new seedling find its way up through these rocks? YES I don't even top feed, just keep your water 1 inch above the bottom of the pot and when the roots start to stick out the bottom, lower the water level
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    Hydro plant dying. Please help

    you didnt post a picture, re-calibrate your ph meter just to be sure got screwed one time my ph was at 4.3 when I thought it was at 6 for two weeks