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  1. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    9 DAYS FROM SEED . need to learn to be pateint lol
  2. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    another pic day 7 from seed
  3. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    what form of molasses ? and what does this provide the plant with ??
  4. brassneck

    lighting help please

    im having same problem getting a definative answer mate . some say just hps will do some say u need dual spec hps and some say just add a couple of daylite cfls . im confused to . in an ideal world wots best ?? apart from the sun lol
  5. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    [ todays pics after 24/0 7 days .
  6. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    thanks for ur most helpful replies . they av come on a bit since last post . i will put pics up in a while .i put in 2 additional lights yesterday 2x 23w(100w)cfl at 3500k but im trying to get hold of sum nearer 6500k 2day . one problem though wen i lightly watered this morning one of seedling...
  7. brassneck

    auto lght help

    hello again all . do u think i should get a dual spectrum hps , will this make much difference ther nw 6 days old and not growing to fast ?or shall i supplement the 250w son t with some thing else ??
  8. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Hello all . I decided to give it a go . didnt realise there was so much involved . i germinated 3 feminised autoflowering seeds called easybud from royal queen seeds. after 24hrs in damp tissue they all split and were planted in soil . i have a 250w hps with a son T lamp in . they have been...
  9. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    no . this is my 1st time gro . learning as i go .
  10. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    thanks for reply . i already have the bowl of water near the intake . its a small closet 3x2x 5 high . wot sort of humidity should i b looking for at this stage of growth ?
  11. brassneck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hi all , i currently have 3 easy bud autoflowerers been under a 250w son t for 3 days . they r nw about 20mm high . im strugglin to keep humidity up its around 28% and 26 celsius . any suggestions to improve enviroment greatly appreciated thanks all
  12. brassneck

    auto lght help

    hi all i av sum freshly split autoflowerin seeds under a 250w hps . is this ok ? been told u only need the one bulb for this strain .
  13. brassneck

    hello all

    thanks for ur reply . i know ther nt gr8 yeilders or strenght bt thought it a gud place 2 start . im sure ill learn 50 things lol .
  14. brassneck

    hello all

    seeds nw sprouted . put under 250w hps son t . i no not ideal but all thats availible . is this gona provide any results ?
  15. brassneck

    hello all

    sorry i ment 20/4 lol . could i not use a 400w hps from start ? thanks this will only be a small gro , approx 1m x 0.5m floor space 1.5 high .
  16. brassneck

    hello all

    its a sog type autoflowering X . which light spectrum should i use ? planning on a 20/0 cycle
  17. brassneck

    hello all

    as a noob can i ask sum basic questions . anyone got experience with royal queen easy bud ? thanks
  18. brassneck

    Led? ?

    Hello ther as a newcomer to growing i have been given some led lighting panels (blue) although i no there not ideal they suit my setup . Are these lights goin to provide worthwhile results in the vegin stage ?. Can i then use the reds to flower or change to hps ?