hello all


Well-Known Member
Hi Brass welcome. Sorry to report I never heard of the delightful sounding stuff. Bet there is some exspurts around here who kow all about it. Might want to inquire in the pertinent growing thread. Not sure how many replies you get in the newcomer section.


Well-Known Member
20/0 doesn't exist lol, unless... you like... take your plants in a plane a few hundred miles west every night. 20on/4off.

Use cfl/fluro/MH, blue spectrum, while they veg.
Use HPS, orange spectrum, when they start to flower.



Active Member
sorry i ment 20/4 lol . could i not use a 400w hps from start ? thanks
this will only be a small gro , approx 1m x 0.5m floor space 1.5 high .


New Member
Sure, just not as much as 400+, but they'll grow for sure. Auto's aren't the biggest producers, but always growing is better than no growing. I'll bet you learn 5 new things for the next grow ... :peace:


Active Member
thanks for ur reply . i know ther nt gr8 yeilders or strenght bt thought it a gud place 2 start . im sure ill learn 50 things lol .