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  1. THC604

    age old r u?

    LOL, yeah another random thread!!!! I'm 24 and the misses is 23 TH
  2. THC604

    HELP(+rep) Which is best...

    Yep my monies on NL too bud. It's been wowing people at harvest festivals for years...... :bigjoint:
  3. THC604

    How much are the Bills....?

    Really there that much? Is that with a grant? WOW that's screwed that idea. And not meaning to sound dump lol what's this econemy 7?
  4. THC604

    How much are the Bills....?

    Dude it's costing me £550-600 every 3mths and thats just the elecy. I don't sell a gram of mine so the way i weigh it up is the the amount your saving in the long run. If not look into getting a solar panel depending on where you are you may be able to get a grant. That way you can get the...
  5. THC604

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    lol that'd be me fella thanks for the reading
  6. THC604

    ERM any ideas??

    Normally i would yeah, but i've started using a 125w cfl for vegging so i thought i'd be fine!!! I've gotta admit that had crossed my mind but why has it only affected those 3?
  7. THC604

    ERM any ideas??

    HI Guys, I've just this minute opened the veg box and to my horror 3 of my girls are not quite them selfs. I'd misted with a very mild nute solution just a couple of days ago!! However i misted all five of the girls and only 3 have problems??? There in standard potting soil which i've used...
  8. THC604

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    Still no grow then? I Started reading this and thought i'd drop in from time to time! lol but it look's like it's done before it got going lol I'm still gonna pop back and i do wish you all the best Thank's for the read and thanks for the entertianment that means you fditty lol All the best...
  9. THC604

    2x600W HPS set up in Korea???.. opinions appreciated

    Good stuff dude still think your mad lol subscribed thou
  10. THC604

    Thrips? Mg? B? N? Dont know what. Help

    Dude, I'm no expert but the yellowing might be because your under feeding them. I had the same problem with my blue cheese and it turned out she was just hungry! Well manly for (n) but hungry all the same! What type of nutes you using? I can't really comment on the thrips as i've never had to...
  11. THC604

    2x600W HPS set up in Korea???.. opinions appreciated

    Best of luck dude i'll be tagging along for the ride!!!!! Any chance of some pics of your rooms?
  12. THC604

    SLH, Jack Diesel, Red Cherry Berry, Afghan Kush, Warlock and Blue cheese

    Just a small update, There's been a few things going on to be fair like the GASMAN paying us a vist lol so everything had to be taken down and made to look normal.... Not ideal i know but it had to be done damn boiler, so my poor blue cheese got stuck in the veg box under the cfl for 24hr...
  13. THC604

    Growing Height Help!

    Hello mate, As for the size that could be something to do with the nute/light burn! What soil you using? What nutes have used if any? What's the temp in you room? But back to the yellowing i had the same problem with my blue cheese and that turned out to be a (n) problem but shes 3wks into...
  14. THC604

    so, What kinda pets yall got?

    Yeah what a random thread lol. The misses and i have got a little west highland white (westie) she's called lily and she is the epitome of a stoner, lol! She's so lazy it's funny and if the rooms full of smoke you can guarantee she'll be sitting on the back of the seatee sucking it up lol. And...
  15. THC604

    My Bullies : How to get revenge?

    LOL, dude i've just taken a look!! They look like such douches, lol isn't that justice enough? But on a serious note just rise above them! And just suppose you do do something you'll just be showing those douches that they really did fuck your head up. So they'd still be getting the last laugh...
  16. THC604

    The Gasmans Coming

    If only i lived with my folks lol. It's just me and the misses and it's a rented flat so even if i did have a firearms licence i couldn't keep them in this house lol. Thanks thou dude that thought had crossed my mind lol
  17. THC604

    The Gasmans Coming

    AAAAArrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh, Our boiler's packed up and because of this our gas supplier is sending out a dude to fix it. However some of the pipes the guy's gonna have to look at run straight thru the grow room!! damn it. So i'm now a little unsure what to do?? I could leave everything as is...
  18. THC604

    SLH, Jack Diesel, Red Cherry Berry, Afghan Kush, Warlock and Blue cheese

    Just a quick update there all doing great, getting bigger by the day. Veg box is working like a charm and the blue cheese has come on great really responded well to the bio canna and i'm now pretty sure it was just a (n) problem. Anyways i'll put some more pics up over the next couple of days...
  19. THC604

    Hello from western Illinois

    Good times Your'll have the time of your life mate it's so rewarding. All the best
  20. THC604

    Hello from western Illinois

    lol nice, is that for both veg and flower? I thought about buying a tent to use as a veg box but ended up building one. Quite happy with it as well. you going organic with this grow?