SLH, Jack Diesel, Red Cherry Berry, Afghan Kush, Warlock and Blue cheese


Active Member

Right then i'll filll you in on the story so far.

The Veg Box
Take a sh!t load of mdf some diamond sheeting and a 125w cfl and a couple of hours and we got something we're both quite pleased with give the limited budget at hand. Please see the attached pics.

The flower Room
Right then out of the two of them this is my favorite. Their's still alittle work to be done but the end is near.
There's a 60ow growlux in there at the minute and earlier tonight the carbon filter was installed.

At the minute their's just the one plant in there and she's on 18/6 and the oldest of the bunch at four weeks into veg may i introduce you to my blue cheese lapping it up under the rays lol. She's in her 4th week of veg and standing about a foot in height. i've just started feeding here biocanna vega only at 1/4 the dose but she's liking it.

Now to the seedlings

Jack Desiel
Super Lemon Haze
Red Cherry Berry
Afghan Kush

All the Beans were germed using the paper towel method they were put to paper on the 6/2/10 and they all started breaking into life on the 8/2/10.
Then put to soil and put straight into the veg box.

On the 9/2/10 the afghan had sprouted and then on 10/2/10 everyone had popped into action.

There all going strong and are under the light 24hr aday. there's maybe a little more stretching then i might have liked but it's early day's lol...

I've also taken a few cuttings of the blue cheese, There's one in soil and two are in water all of them however have been dipped in clonex. I'm still waiting to see if they root.

Right that's everything that's happened over the first few days but i'm going to try post as much as i can say every 3 day's so you guys can see how they get on.

I've also attached a couple extra pics. some of the extra kit and one of the problem with the blue cheese i was told it might be a n problem hence the bio canna.

Any advice or comments please feel free to chip in not just about the leaf problem the whole set up. As we're still learning ourselfs

Here's the pics I'm not gonna take credit for any of the good ones.

Thank's for reading



Active Member
Just a quick update there all doing great, getting bigger by the day.

Veg box is working like a charm and the blue cheese has come on great really responded well to the bio canna and i'm now pretty sure it was just a (n) problem.

Anyways i'll put some more pics up over the next couple of days just wanna give them a fer more days

Thanks for reading


Active Member
Just a small update,

There's been a few things going on to be fair like the GASMAN paying us a vist lol so everything had to be taken down and made to look normal....

Not ideal i know but it had to be done damn boiler, so my poor blue cheese got stuck in the veg box under the cfl for 24hr no harm done mind and she's now happly back under the glow of the 600 :lol: And i've just flipped the lights as well 8pm this evening :weed:

I've put a couple of pics of her before the move and one once she'd been moved to the veg box. I'll get a couple more up tomorrow I'd love to do it right now but she's in darkness. She's been pistling up nicely the past few days so i've given in to temptation lol!! i was going to veg her for a couple more weeks as shes got the cupboard all to herself! And the seedlings are gonna be a while before there moved up however there still doing well really loving the cfl's blue glow hehe.

Well thats about it for now, but i see no one's saying anything so i'm hoping no news is good news?:-(

Anyways to everyone that's had a read thank you



Well-Known Member
Lookin good!
Im following you thread because i am germing some red cherry berry right now. Good luck to you.


Active Member
Firstly i'd like to welcome you.

Everythings going well now! I had a slight nute problem with 3 of the girls totally my bad mind... Got a bit exited with the strength of my nute spray lol.

All the little ones are 3wks old now and are really starting to come along, not as fast as i might have liked mind! I must say i'm not really feeling the 125w cfl i'm using for veg.. Think i might have to look a mh instead.

Anyways the bc is in her 2nd week of flowering now and she's lovin the biocanna she's at 7ml to every 2l of the wet stuff and she's lapping it up!!
I'm trying to encourage a little bit of stretch with her as well because i've read elsewhere that she's inclined to mold up?!?

Temps are good, Humidity's good and the air flows good so i'm happy.

Oh the cherry berry was one of the girls affected in the nute spray incident she's recovered well mind but she's just shown me how sensitive she is to the nutes! So i'm gonna play it safe and drop the levels down to less then a 1/8 strength and see if she likes that?

Anyways thanks for reading and subscribing




Well-Known Member
They look nice and healthy now.

I vegg with cfls and floros, wouldnt do it any other way. Just keep your bulbs within two inches of the tops of the plants.