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  1. G

    2nd grow

    no it's bag seed. i will post more pics as they grow. and thanks for the kind words>
  2. G

    My first grow

    i personally use a mix of 6500k 2700k lights during veg. but you need more blue light 6500k raange. that's what makes them grow.
  3. G

    My first grow

    you need 6500k range lights for vegging then the 2700k for flowering. good luck
  4. G

    2nd grow

    Hi new batch going 6weeks from sprout. I'm using a 4 tube 48" t8 light 3000k and 3- 23watt 2700k cfls on the sides. i just started my 12/12 5 days ago. I'm using soil mixed with perlite and fox-farm big bloom and and a root stimulator from general hydroponics. Guy at the store was giving free...
  5. G

    How's it looking?? First Timer (PICS)

    i wanna do that:weed:
  6. G

    new to growing but this is what i got going on...any help will be much appreciated

    you can find a local dealer for foxfarm nutes by going to their website thats how i found my local store
  7. G

    how long for clones to root

    ok thanks i figured i was just a matter of time
  8. G

    how long for clones to root

    i cut some clones 6 days ago they look healthy but no real roots showing. should i just wait awhile longer or worry now?
  9. G

    Not impressive, but it'll do

    if you dont like it ill smoke it for ya:bigjoint: looks good to me man
  10. G

    how close to harvest?

    is the wire mesh to keep the plants short?
  11. G

    how close to harvest?

    i cant do the lights yet but i will be building a grow box so i can use my tubes horizontally for the next grow. Thanks for all the feed back guys. I love this forum:clap:
  12. G

    how close to harvest?

    I looked at them with a magnifying glass they looked white not clear but no amber coloration.
  13. G

    how close to harvest?

    Yep. I'm hooked now. There is definitely a certain satisfaction from watching it grow. I looking for some suggestion on seeds the do good indoors.
  14. G

    how close to harvest?

    Thanks, but you didn't see the other 3 that didn't make it in my defense two were males lol:-P
  15. G

    how close to harvest?

    The weed i got the seed out of was some descent stuff. I veg it under the 3 23w cfls then i add the 4-48" 35watt 3000k tubes and one little 15 watt 24"
  16. G

    how close to harvest?

    I stopped giving nutes. I've been giving straight water last two times. This is week7 since first pistils appeared and now the pistils are starting to turn amber. This came from bagseed. What do you guy's think?
  17. G

    My First Grow - Coco - Cheese & Blue Cheese week 7.5 flowering

    looking good man i think you still got a bit to go
  18. G

    3000k flourecents?

    i have 4-48" tubes verticle and 4 23W cfls on top and i'm only growing one plant right (started with 4 but 2 were male and one didn't survive. i have a couple pics in a thread "my babies" i will try to post more pics soon.
  19. G

    Flowering? Currently 4 weeks!

    cfl's labeled 150/23watts are 23watt lights that put out the same amount of light as a 150w incandescent
  20. G

    Is my plants ready to flower? Opinions please.

    nice looking baby's