2nd grow

Hi new batch going 6weeks from sprout. I'm using a 4 tube 48" t8 light 3000k and 3- 23watt 2700k cfls on the sides. i just started my 12/12 5 days ago. I'm using soil mixed with perlite and fox-farm big bloom and and a root stimulator from general hydroponics. Guy at the store was giving free samples. Anyway just wanted to share. Happy smoking:bigjoint:IMG_20121015_100915(1).jpgIMG_20121015_100921(1).jpg
ok i adjusted my setup a bit. i replaced 2 of the 23w cfls with 2 68w cfl adding about 12k lumen to my box and lined the box with mylar. and i'm starting to see pre-flowers on plant 1. plant 2 has me worried it might be a hermaphrodite i'm gonna give it a couple more days to be sure.