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  1. 8

    intentional pollination

    I was wondering if like, when you see you have a female plant, just splooge a little on it and when it gets seeds plant the seeds and then like grow a half human half pot plant? And like it would probably be a girl too and you could date it. she would just be this HOT plant chick that you could...
  2. 8

    Where to get good seeds?

    American seed selling sites!?!?! lol Nirvana converts.
  3. 8

    Fans on 24/7?

    Can help to keep bugs away too.
  4. 8

    Help needed! Is this a Hermie?

    No one has really said anything about the fact they looked like balls but then hairs came out. I think I might have thrown away a female in my first grow come to think of it...
  5. 8

    Built a new closet under the stairs,got sum $ to wut?

    Light reflection: Take down that tin foil and put up some wrapping paper, the back side of it. Just as easy and cheap to find as tin foil. Watering: Use a meter if you really want but this method is probably better; every time the dirt looks dried out to you, stick your finger in the dirt...
  6. 8

    My first little harvest, pics

    HAHAHA that sticking post IS funny! Man, it saying I can't post this post cuz i already posted the same post but I haven't. ??????????
  7. 8

    My first little harvest, pics

    HAHAHA that sticking post IS funny!
  8. 8

    My first little harvest, pics

    I am out to prove the same thing!! I am in the middle of flowering one nice hairy female(funny, the stuff in the bag wasn't hairy?) got rid of males, everything. I also believe it happens from neglect.
  9. 8

    In The Mood.

    I also think fdd should be trying to use as much bud as he can.
  10. 8

    Novelty Bong. light up bong

    Hey whats up man! Wisconsin here, too!
  11. 8

    Hydro shop weed lingo

    Might not be completely related but I was talking to a close friend I work with about my plants at a store we work at and I was saying things like "I keep the girl in the closet" and "I only give her water every couple days" We then realized it would almost sound less weird to just say...
  12. 8

    Does anyone know why my plant looks like this...

    transplant into different pot all the way up to the leaves. I did the same thing with a plant that old that was twice as stretched and now the thing has 4 nodes up to where I topped it and each top has 3 nodes now. the plant is barely 3 inches too. be gentle. Do this if you really want to save it.
  13. 8

    My boyfriend smokes

    When I first met my girlfriend She told me to stop smoking so much. Now she turns off my lights for me and hangs the blanket over the closet when I work late and can't be home at lights out.
  14. 8

    Blowing pot smoke on my plants: good or bad?

    not to be morbid but how do you think the jews felt as relatives ashes rained down on them in the camps? am I going to far with this?
  15. 8

    Novelty Bong. light up bong

    uh, you could make one.
  16. 8

    A Ticket from Nirvana?

    ahhh, you must be the one who harvests it!
  17. 8

    Just wonder but...

    Cuz it doesn't look cool, man!
  18. 8

    A Ticket from Nirvana?

    you like me! you really like me! no it didn't happen. the oompa loompa thing is true though.
  19. 8

    A Ticket from Nirvana?

    Hey, I got my seeds but they came with a golden ticket. it says I get a free tour of the Nirvana factory. In small print at the bottom it says I can only bring one family member and that the red hairs in pot is actually oompa loompa pubic hair. wow wtf?
  20. 8

    1st Grow Experiment

    Also, don't save the "healthier" looking ones, save the two that are female. you won't know till they are in flowering. It would suck if only one of your guys' plants was a female. Healthy looking doesn't mean a female either. my least healthy plant out of 4 was a female. not only did it look...