Does anyone know why my plant looks like this...


Well-Known Member
that thing is toast.

i dont know if it would be worth the time or effort to try and save that.

the stem looks really buggered up, and if it wont hold itself up......... i personally would just start over.

my 2 cents



Well-Known Member
looks like theres not enough light...what u using for lights?...and r u watering?!?!
I am using 1 26 watt cfl as of right now until it got a little bigger and then i have 6 26 watt cfls in a rubbermaid grow box......soil is fox farm ocean forest seems to dry up fast and I water everytime i notice it looking dry...??? was looking great yesterday and then today it was dead but leaves still green.....have it propped up right now with a straw..........what caused this??


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I would start over as well, cause this one doesn't look very strong. Try to keep the light as close as you can to prevent that stretching. Good luck. :mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Maybe is wasn't planted deep enough. I am not sure but it looked stretched and flimsy. Sorry dude. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
yah man just start over...get atleast 2 of those cfls on 1 seedling..the more light the better!..get a fan blowing in there...a digital thermometer,ph tester,ph up and down,some veg. and flowering nutes...did u do any research b 4 u started to grow?!?..


Well-Known Member
ok i have 6 26 watt cfl's and 1 60 watt halogen..... but it gets way hot in grow rubbermaid box even with the exhaust fan......and soil seems o dry out fast as well??? And yes i have been researching everyday!?? :(


Active Member
transplant into different pot all the way up to the leaves. I did the same thing with a plant that old that was twice as stretched and now the thing has 4 nodes up to where I topped it and each top has 3 nodes now. the plant is barely 3 inches too.

be gentle. Do this if you really want to save it.


Well-Known Member
get all those lights going and plant a few seeds!...DO NOT use the halogen!!! it gets way to hot and will burn ur plant!..just use all 6 useing fox farm potting mix...its got earth worm castings and bat guano...and i mixed 20% perlite to soil myself so it drains well and lets the roots breath!...if u were running that halogen thats prob y ur soil was drying out real fast..if u have all 6 cfls in the rubbermaid box with an exhaust u need to do is cut a hole at the other end and it will suck air threw the box...good luck man!


Well-Known Member
thank you ....well yes that one eventually did bite the dust....started to recover and then But as for my other baby she seems to be doing good. I also use the fox farm ocean forest soil mix still seems my soil kinda dries fast and how close should i have her to all 6 cfls??? right now shes maybe 6 inches away cuz i was afraid of being too hot and drying out......and yep already had the hole at the bottom for intake. I did research maybe I just had a bad seed. heh. anyways can you tell me how long before she gets more leaves and I dont need nutes right now do i???? I do have ferti-lome root stimulator but I didnt think I should use it yet?? Should I?? Hope she grows big and strong and definately hope its a "she" haha


New Member
prolly another 1 1/2 to 2 weeks till your next node, and no, i wouldent use the stimulator yet, wait till that next node comes in. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
dont not use nutes untill 1 month of growth(4 weeks) then start adding 1/4 strength to ever feeding...u can get those cfls about 1 maybe 2 inches away from ur plant...they really dont get that hot! if there to far away,ur plant is gunna strech again..keep the questions coming..and good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks will do man.... ill move it closer now at least shes looking good and a lot healthier than the last one! ill kepp yall posted!