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  1. grandtheft420

    Lights for a very small crop

    just hit up walmart they got some grow lights therre i think they may be 2 footers grab to of them they should be around 10 bucks each
  2. grandtheft420

    Need advice on these plants . .

    they look nice i cant wait to see them when there bigger the roots should be fine you should transplant in like another week or 2
  3. grandtheft420

    going on 10 weeks and bud still not ready?

    be patient the buds will start to pop
  4. grandtheft420

    having trouble with watering any advice???

    okay my plants are now into there flowering stage i have 3 flourescent lights pumping a total of 225 watts and 2 energy saving bulds total of 50 watts im growing from soil the room stays at 77% highest is 80% and i think im over watering i now water them once every 4 days the room is 2' x 3' x...
  5. grandtheft420

    is this a good idea?

    i say thats a terrible idea once feds find out theres drug in the nieghborhood they will have there eye out where you live, and some more advice dont ever talk about snitching on forums thats a stupid idea, just dont bye shit bud
  6. grandtheft420

    You are all going to laugh at me..

    i got an easy way of rollin for you guys take your paper and you kno how theres a crease in the middle well fold up the non-gummed end to the crease now just fill the middle with bud, lick your thumb and pointer fingers on both hands that way it gives you a better grip, now slowly roll the paper...
  7. grandtheft420

    how old are yours??

    how old are yours??
  8. grandtheft420

    my plants are 41 days old and i started flowing on the 33rd day so 8 days into flowing

    my plants are 41 days old and i started flowing on the 33rd day so 8 days into flowing
  9. grandtheft420

    nice plants i cant wait until mine get that tall

    nice plants i cant wait until mine get that tall
  10. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    alright man thanks a lot hope they get better i love my plants lol, ill try to get pics up as soon as i can
  11. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    okay thanks we got one problem down, and yes i do got a fan and its actually a samll work shop fan it cooled my room 4 degrees my room use to be 81 degrees now it stays at 77
  12. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    there is only a a few plants that a curling there in between there a 16 inch one a and a 14 and a 12 in that are curling and i think i have a totall of 225watts in there i dont have bugs on them im just being safe about it cause when it gets warmer out we get some spiders in the house and the...
  13. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    okay umm my lights are about a foot away or maybe a foot and a half away from the plants and i do spray them with water cause of bugs i dont want any lol i have 21 plants i cant wait until i can tell the sex of them, i think it has been 4 days since ive watered them but i stick my finger in the...
  14. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    my plants are planted in 2 liter soda bottles
  15. grandtheft420

    im having plant problems any advice

    okay my plants are now into flowering stage its the first week the tallest is 16 inches and the smallest is 10inches now the problem is that im starting to get these brown spoets on the leafs and the sides of the leaves are starting to curl, i am growing them out of soil i have 3 75watt grow...