im having plant problems any advice

okay my plants are now into flowering stage its the first week the tallest is 16 inches and the smallest is 10inches now the problem is that im starting to get these brown spoets on the leafs and the sides of the leaves are starting to curl, i am growing them out of soil i have 3 75watt grow lights and two 25watt builds for the extra heat i water them like every 4 days and give them nuets every 2 weeks, whats wrong with them


Well-Known Member
okay my plants are now into flowering stage its the first week the tallest is 16 inches and the smallest is 10inches now the problem is that im starting to get these brown spoets on the leafs and the sides of the leaves are starting to curl, i am growing them out of soil i have 3 75watt grow lights and two 25watt builds for the extra heat i water them like every 4 days and give them nuets every 2 weeks, whats wrong with them

Your giving your plants too much love...

Your watering em too much, and giving them too much food... or maybe too high temps?

Transplant in bigger containers so that the roots stay moist, but not saturated.

You may even have rootbound plants already.. Its a possibility.

Small pots are just not healthy for blooming plants.

You should be watering maybe once a week with the right setup.

May be too late to transplant.. Might put her in shock...

Too many possibilities.. Need pics for a better diagnosis.

Live and learn :)

Good luck to you..
Your giving your plants too much love...

Your watering em too much, and giving them too much food... or maybe too high temps?

Transplant in bigger containers so that the roots stay moist, but not saturated.

You may even have rootbound plants already.. Its a possibility.

Small pots are just not healthy for blooming plants.

You should be watering maybe once a week with the right setup.

May be too late to transplant.. Might put her in shock...

Too many possibilities.. Need pics for a better diagnosis.

Live and learn :)

Good luck to you..

my plants are planted in 2 liter soda bottles
The leaves curling is either the light being too close to the plants or maybe too much nutes. most likely its the light being too close to the plant. look at your plants... are the ones closest to the light the ones curling? if so then raise the light and it should fix your problem.

The brown spots are most likely nute burn - too many nutrients... try lowering the concentration of nutes when you give them to your plants. Although it could also be from the light too. do you spray your plants with water? because if you do the water drops can act like magnifying glasses and burn holes in your leaves

Give me some more details on your setup if this doesn't fix your problem.:cool:
okay umm my lights are about a foot away or maybe a foot and a half away from the plants and i do spray them with water cause of bugs i dont want any lol i have 21 plants i cant wait until i can tell the sex of them, i think it has been 4 days since ive watered them but i stick my finger in the dirt and the top is dry but under the top soil its still moist so idk if i should water or not either
okay umm my lights are about a foot away or maybe a foot and a half away from the plants and i do spray them with water cause of bugs i dont want any lol i have 21 plants i cant wait until i can tell the sex of them, i think it has been 4 days since ive watered them but i stick my finger in the dirt and the top is dry but under the top soil its still moist so idk if i should water or not either
OK... is your 10 inch plant curling as well as your 16 inch plant? also what kind of light do you have and how many watts?

If you have bugs that could also be causing the brown spots. Did you see any or are you spraying them just to be safe?
there is only a a few plants that a curling there in between there a 16 inch one a and a 14 and a 12 in that are curling and i think i have a totall of 225watts in there i dont have bugs on them im just being safe about it cause when it gets warmer out we get some spiders in the house and the lights are from a walmart there actuall growing lights there 2foot long lights those are 75 watts each and i got two 25 energy savers for just a lil extra heat
there is only a a few plants that a curling there in between there a 16 inch one a and a 14 and a 12 in that are curling and i think i have a totall of 225watts in there i dont have bugs on them im just being safe about it cause when it gets warmer out we get some spiders in the house and the lights are from a walmart there actuall growing lights there 2foot long lights those are 75 watts each and i got two 25 energy savers for just a lil extra heat
the brown spots are most definitely from spraying the plants. if you must spray them, spray them just when the light turns off because by the time the light comes back on you shouldn't have anymore water drops on the leaves. because like i said the water drops act like magnifying glasses and burn the leaves when the lights are on.

and about the curling, do you have a fan blowing in your grow room to cool it down?
okay thanks we got one problem down, and yes i do got a fan and its actually a samll work shop fan it cooled my room 4 degrees my room use to be 81 degrees now it stays at 77
okay thanks we got one problem down, and yes i do got a fan and its actually a samll work shop fan it cooled my room 4 degrees my room use to be 81 degrees now it stays at 77
check the temperature at the tops of the plants... if its not too hot then the curling has to be from either nute burn or your ph level. check your ph level, make sure its between 5.8 & 6.8. if the ph level is ok, then try lowering the concentration of nutes to water when you feed them.

after doing all of this your problem should be fixed :-P good luck
alright man thanks a lot hope they get better i love my plants lol, ill try to get pics up as soon as i can
lol i love my plants too... i know how frustrating it is when something goes wrong and you dont know what to do to fix it. check out my plants - click on the link in my signature. ill b checkin back for ur pics.