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  1. wrawlphe69

    My cola look normal????

    I cant remember how long i vegged,but it was a foot tall before i flipped her and now shes 4 foot!!!lights have always been around a foot away.i think its just the bagseed...
  2. wrawlphe69

    Mercury inhaled!!!

    Fuck IDK man,call the poison control center.
  3. wrawlphe69

    First Grow ..., Almost 2 months now....

    dude thats linky as fuck,get more lights and move them closer!!!!
  4. wrawlphe69

    My cola look normal????

    yea thats my herm that pollinated my crop,flowering with my 400 watt MH.i know,I just cant afford a hps bulb right now.
  5. wrawlphe69

    Feminised Seeds??

    hermie is if it has male and female parts
  6. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    the thread is called "does this cola look normal???"
  7. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    my post is up man check her out
  8. wrawlphe69

    My cola look normal????

    Hey all,this is my sativa,1 month and three weeks in,this beaut was fimmed,and pollinated by my herm,im flowering with my 400 watt MH.
  9. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    lol,right i hear ya,im getting ready to post my sativa check her out,ill let you know when shes up.
  10. wrawlphe69

    Feminised Seeds??

    high chance of female plants,may be small chance of herm...from what i have read.
  11. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    are all the seeds fem if pollinated by herm???also did u go by trichs before you chopped her down???
  12. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    im soo bummed........but my sativa is huge,at least there will be a ton of them lil seeded all the seeds femal if pollinated by herm???
  13. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    mine looks just like that,thanxx,was there much smoke left after picking out all them seeds come harvest time???
  14. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    im gonna post some pics here in a minute of my sativa and indica,give me a sec...
  15. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    appreciate it much,also how did it turn out after harvest???much smoke??
  16. wrawlphe69

    Its Official My Girls.......

    Ill post some shortly
  17. wrawlphe69

    Its Official My Girls.......

    my herm looks like your avatar,lol
  18. wrawlphe69

    Anyone have Pics....

    Of a female pollinated???I want to see if mine looks like anyone elses.I cant find any.Would be very much appreciated.Thanxx
  19. wrawlphe69

    Its Official My Girls.......

    I believe they will all be female seeds if it was pollinated by my herm correct???
  20. wrawlphe69

    Its Official My Girls.......

    Are seeded to shit and back and thats all there spending there time doing is creating SEEDS!!!All because I left that fucking herm,Im jealous of you all,I wont have any of them fat colas,just little seeded up nugs.....