Anyone have Pics....


Active Member
Of a female pollinated???I want to see if mine looks like anyone elses.I cant find any.Would be very much appreciated.Thanxx


Well-Known Member
they got some pics in the FAQ with pollinated female but their not the clearest.



Active Member
mine looks just like that,thanxx,was there much smoke left after picking out all them seeds come harvest time???


Active Member
im soo bummed........but my sativa is huge,at least there will be a ton of them lil seeded all the seeds femal if pollinated by herm???
yes there was 3oz of 2plants flowerd for 5wks. i had to chop tho coz the longer u leave them after theyve been pollinated the more seed ul get in the bud, i had nearly 150 seeds, good luck i hope that helped u m8
no i didnt check trichs, just choped to save the bud from getting seed infested if u get me m8. i threw my seeds coz they were to immature to plant, im not to sure if urs will be femz, 1 way to find out, plant them babies lol