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  1. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    if i bent the plant over and tied it down would this make more tops and increase the yeild or is it too late to start anything like that?
  2. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    thanks man, i cant see the logic behind it either
  3. JimmyTheJaw

    Grow tent too hot, + rep for help!

    problem is not solved yet, you have to wait till it set up and running before you will know, i will link you to the 4 inch i have that does the job, even tho its to late lol
  4. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    dont think i would be able to get humboldt flower hardener by week four, so you think the yeild has been affected with him trimming? anyone else got any opinions on this? this is why i want to know cause if it is not worth it i will just germinate a few of the lsd's and get rid of this one
  5. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    i said that the fan leaves from the main stem had been cut off, if you look closely you will see
  6. JimmyTheJaw

    Grow tent too hot, + rep for help!

    yes that why i told him to open up one of the top holes and push the air out with a six inch fan, should make the abou even i would say
  7. JimmyTheJaw

    Grow tent too hot, + rep for help!

    hey i have a 250watt hps int my tent its a budbox 75x75x1.6, my fan is 180 cfm, i have no intake just leave one of the flaps on the side open and it draws the air in, i also use a 6 inch clip on fan inside to move the air around, my temp sits around 82, i have not had problems yet, you could...
  8. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    thanks for the replys guys how much is a zip? is that an ounce? if it is i would be very dissapointed, thats only some thing about 0.1 per wat yeah im going to give her a flush then start her on the nutes i have, i have some bio bloom and bio grow, should i add a small dose of the grow to...
  9. JimmyTheJaw

    is it worth it?

    hello people of roll it up, my question today is this i received a plant from a friend that said he does not have any room in his grwo room for it, it is 3 weeks into flowering, i said i would take it as there is no point in it going to waste, the only thing is he has chooped all the fan...
  10. JimmyTheJaw

    Can Anyone Help!!!

    males dont produce seeds, and it is possible to smoke a male but i dont think it would get you high, who knows, i have not tried to smoke one so i cant say
  11. JimmyTheJaw

    dripper system

    im actually using coco, i said soil by mistake, does not sound stupid to me, i was advised to water twice a day with coco
  12. JimmyTheJaw

    dripper system

    here is the link, it shows pics of the drippers one dipper just drips out and the other sprays out two streems of water
  13. JimmyTheJaw

    dripper system

    yes i got two sets of drippers, so i just place it near the root ball and physics will take control? lol
  14. JimmyTheJaw

    official party cup growoff

    12 days thats quick, how is she with the nutes? my brother had one and he only gave it nutes twice, he was using pretty hot soil tho, think he got about an ounce and a half from it, it started on the window ledge then he put it under a 400w hps
  15. JimmyTheJaw

    switching to soil

    thanks for the reply man, i ended up going with canna terra professional plus, has anyone used or heard anything about this soil?
  16. JimmyTheJaw

    official party cup growoff

    both my seeds have germinated, im doing a road runner 2 (automatic) and a mataro blue, just waiting on the party cups coming, got them in a small pot just now
  17. JimmyTheJaw

    switching to soil

    hello guys, im going to be switching to soil after my current grow, i was wondering what type of soil would be the best? i know alot of people are going to say fox farm, the problem with that is i cant get that in the uk, so what do you guys think i should go with
  18. JimmyTheJaw

    official party cup growoff

    how well do the LED's do? i was thinking about getting one to get some light into the bottom of my plants, i always thought that thye would not be worth the price tag, how would you compare them to cfl's?
  19. JimmyTheJaw

    look at these pics and tell me if theirs something wrong please

    to be honest if i where you i would put into soil, that perlite surely cant be good for it....... i may be wrong tho, have you seen this done before?