is it worth it?


Active Member
hello people of roll it up, my question today is this

i received a plant from a friend that said he does not have any room in his grwo room for it, it is 3 weeks into flowering, i said i would take it as there is no point in it going to waste, the only thing is he has chooped all the fan leaves but one from the main stem........ he done this a week or two into the flowering cycle, so what do you think? will it still be ok?

to me the plant looks stunted, i would have thought the buds would be a bit more developed than they are, it is also very small, do you think it will get much bigger? its in an eleven litre pot, and it will be going under a 250w hps, the strain is big buddah cheese

has anyone got any advice for me about this plant?


+ rep if you ara a good help


Active Member
many people trim all the fan leaves off thier plants . i guess they figure it lets light penitrate farther down into the plant. i dont do this at all. i trim only the leaves that dont look healty. god put those leafs on the plant for a reason. some store nutes some are for light absorbion and others for this and that so i do not like to disturb mother nature and i allow my plants to grow the way mother nature attended. but you plant looks just beautiful and it should do just well under 250w lite. i would also gradualy add some nutes to starting at 1/4 of the dose not to burn. repotting it could stress it some but adding nutes wont. so give it a whirl. you will be extremely happy next month


Well-Known Member
She should do fine, I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's a good lookin plant, good luck with her.


Active Member
thanks for the replys guys

how much is a zip? is that an ounce? if it is i would be very dissapointed, thats only some thing about 0.1 per wat

yeah im going to give her a flush then start her on the nutes i have, i have some bio bloom and bio grow, should i add a small dose of the grow to the mix ore just use the bloom?

just to let ypu guys know this is the only plant in the tent, i had another 3, i brought them in from outside, i wanted to flower them inside, but i noticed a good few white jumping bugs when i watered them, i was a week into 12/12, rather than treat the with some pesticide i just chucked them out, didnt want to take a chance, but this guy kindly offered me this big buddah, i would have been a fool to say no

i also have some barneys farm lsd coming, anyone tried that? got from attitude cause there september promotion was on so i got 5 free seeds aswell, 2 o wich are auto's though



Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys guys

how much is a zip? is that an ounce? if it is i would be very dissapointed, thats only some thing about 0.1 per wat

yeah im going to give her a flush then start her on the nutes i have, i have some bio bloom and bio grow, should i add a small dose of the grow to the mix ore just use the bloom?

just to let ypu guys know this is the only plant in the tent, i had another 3, i brought them in from outside, i wanted to flower them inside, but i noticed a good few white jumping bugs when i watered them, i was a week into 12/12, rather than treat the with some pesticide i just chucked them out, didnt want to take a chance, but this guy kindly offered me this big buddah, i would have been a fool to say no

i also have some barneys farm lsd coming, anyone tried that? got from attitude cause there september promotion was on so i got 5 free seeds aswell, 2 o wich are auto's though

sense your buddy trimed off all the fan leaves its going to effect your overall yield. I would aim for 1 and a half tops. or make sure you let it fully mature and give it sum humboldt flower hardener week 4 of bloom for 4 waterings 1ml per gallon


Well-Known Member
no probs there mate, thought you said the fan leaves had been chopped theres loads in them photos? looking good.


Active Member
dont think i would be able to get humboldt flower hardener by week four, so you think the yeild has been affected with him trimming? anyone else got any opinions on this? this is why i want to know cause if it is not worth it i will just germinate a few of the lsd's and get rid of this one


Well-Known Member
dude if you let that plant grow to maturity its going to yield bricks, seriously, you got a nice plant there, dont really have a opinion about the trimmed leaves..dont do it myself but can see the logic behind doing it..


Active Member
if i bent the plant over and tied it down would this make more tops and increase the yeild or is it too late to start anything like that?


Weed Modifier
Too late it is already well into Veg you can do it but i would not risk it now! Let her be man...let her finish and you can fuck with the next ones. Unless you suppercrop it! But I would wait til you have more experience before trying shit like that!


Well-Known Member
Whoever said he'd only get an ounce from that hasnt grown much.

Good looking plant, has the potential of yielding far more than an oz.