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  1. RickyBobby26

    Ode to Pinworm

    I actually tried to PM .Pinworm. before I made this thread, asking his permission to post the poem. And I got a message saying something like "You may not start a conversation with the following recipients: .Pinworm..". So I guess even his .Pinworm. account has been banned. Or maybe he only...
  2. RickyBobby26

    Blue Ridge Arsony

    tl;dr But fuck yeah, support our forests!
  3. RickyBobby26

    Trump wants trial delay until after swearing-in

    I'd guess he's trying to push it off until after he becomes prez because then he'll probably be able to have it delayed until he's out of office. IDK. Just a guess.
  4. RickyBobby26

    What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

    Some article I read today stated that one of the dems' biggest mistakes was not going after rural white voters (farmers), and they lost that demographic by a 3 to 1 margin. Even Bill Clinton tried to get the DNC to campaign more in those areas, but the advice was not taken.
  5. RickyBobby26

    Ode To Hillary

    There's another one I wrote over in TNT that you might actually like.
  6. RickyBobby26

    Safety Pins for Healing

    Here are some pins that might work for some people.
  7. RickyBobby26

    Newt: "It was a great campaign device"

    But they say it will trickle down. They say.
  8. RickyBobby26

    Safety Pins for Healing

    Apparently, people are turning to safety pins to help them heal from the election results:
  9. RickyBobby26

    Ode to Pinworm

    I've been thinking a lot lately about Pinworm's gigantic "member". I've read here that it's astounding. So I couldn't help but write about it, since it's supposedly like a world's record or something. Ode to Pinworm Pinworm, earthworm, tapeworm, tick, He’s the drummer with the foot long...
  10. RickyBobby26

    Ode To Hillary

    While you may not believe it, I didn't have to pay anything for my poetry lessons. I got them for free! Hard to believe, I know. But it's true. Sometimes a great deal just comes along.
  11. RickyBobby26

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Hey UncleBuck, I thought you promised to leave the site forever if Trump won. Instead, you post under this sock account, and you still sign in as UncleBuck and "like" posts. It doesn't seem like you're honoring your promise.
  12. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    I think the media has been less than forthcoming in reporting that women were just as responsible for Trump's win as white southern rednecks.
  13. RickyBobby26

    The first 3 members of Trumps administrative team are....

    It was a joke. I'm not a big fan of Sheriff Joe.
  14. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    Sign me up.
  15. RickyBobby26

    Million Women march in Washington

    Trump got 42% of female votes cast in the election. In other words, millions. The liberal media and Hollywood would have us believe it was all southern white male rednecks that elected Trump.
  16. RickyBobby26

    The first 3 members of Trumps administrative team are....

    I second the nomination for Sheriff Joe.
  17. RickyBobby26

    The first 3 members of Trumps administrative team are....

    Well, I can't help you'll have to find them on your own.
  18. RickyBobby26

    'Dear Hillary' letters are helping people cope

    I didn't vote for Trump.
  19. RickyBobby26

    Draining The Swamp..

    Well, I've seen a stupid question or two from you too Sky. You're a real meanie. How did I get on your bad side? Whatever it was, I apologize...