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  1. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    The more I post, the more I piss you off. I feel like I'm home.
  2. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    No Unclebald. I don't think you're Buck. Buck is actually smart.
  3. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    Buck can't hurt me. He's a stubborn brat little boy who lives to "rule" his playground here.
  4. RickyBobby26

    RIP Fidel Castro

    My point exactly.
  5. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    Do you ever shut the fuck up?
  6. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I simply stated why I thought Trump got votes. Many people voted for Trump based upon the reasons I listed.
  7. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    Actually, I have this nagging feeling that UncleBuck has read every one of my posts this morning, and has commented on many of them. Under his sock puppet account(s).
  8. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    I don't "like" abuse. I'm just the kind of person who can't be abused. But please don't throw me in the briar patch.
  9. RickyBobby26

    Brady Bunch mom dies at 82

    She and Mike never had sex. Sam the butcher fucked her brains out, while Alice watched. Mike was a pussy, and he was gay.
  10. RickyBobby26

    Odd sexual attractions...

    I like blood.
  11. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    No, that wasn't the message. Set your decoder ring to E4 and try again.
  12. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    UncleBuck's attempts at bullying me are funny. He can't hurt me. Neither can you.
  13. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    You are such a silly little boy. Set your decoder ring to E4 and read this: 14-1-15-22-4-18-18-6.
  14. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    What I wrote was true: those are some of the reasons people voted for Trump. I myself did not vote for Trump. Your e-hero UncleBuck can't hurt me.
  15. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    I've read a lot of your posts sir, and believe me, before you call anyone else dumb, you should reread your posts. Have you ever debated with anyone without calling names? BTW, have you and your immature clique of fake e-friends over in TnT gotten your decoder rings yet?
  16. RickyBobby26

    Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)

    Tax rates are not the only thing that compel people to vote. This election had nothing to do with tax rates. It had everything to do with many people being very unhappy with the direction this country has taken lately. From unchecked mass immigration, to apologizing to the rest of the world...
  17. RickyBobby26

    Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

    Officials in the Obama administration threw cold water on the effort to recount votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania on Friday. The effort was spearheaded by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who echoed arguments that Russia may have hacked US voting machines to interfere with the...
  18. RickyBobby26

    Predictions on how long it will take before Trump is impeached, if at all.

    Unless Trump makes mistakes on the order of Nixon's Watergate fuck ups, and then RECORDS THEM FOR ALL TO HEAR/SEE, he will not be impeached. Not with a Republican-held Congress.
  19. RickyBobby26

    RIP Fidel Castro

    Castro welcomed 2 dozen Russian nuclear missiles to be operational 90 miles from our coast line. He was a fucking idiot. Someone earlier in this thread admired him for "having balls". Well, Hitler had balls too.