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  1. T

    Anyone looking for a grower? Or trying to get med mmj liecense in edmonton Alberta??

    What part of edmonton you in? I have my licence but do not really have the space to grow my own.
  2. T

    rheumatoid arthritis pain ?

    "Its no magic cure for me but its the most effective alternative I have. " That pretty much sums it up for me as well.
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    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    I DID IT!! I read the whole thread, all 109 pages. Very interesting material and the glass work is great! My only regret is I Vape and really dont like to smoke. I have never tried oil as i am new to Medical Cannabis. Seeing that the law here in Canada changed last week i think you are going to...
  4. T

    Most affordable/efficient vaporizer?

    Magic Flight Launch Box!! Add the power adaptor and you will not be disappointed. Have to go along way and spend a lot more money to get better. IMHO!!!
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    Looking to help an old woman

    I read that some use the ABV weed to make the Tincture. I tried this and had my mother in-law use it on her hands and Hip. She was so happy the next morning I was shocked. Her hands stopped hurting and her hip has been hurting less and less each day. She is going for walks now and her hip...
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    Diabetes and Rick Simpson Oil I have questions

    I am watching the levels closely. I may have to go back on a couple of pills per day and if that is nessasary I am fine with that. I was on a lot more that that twice a day. ;) As far as neuropathy well I have that in my Big toes. When they figured out what was wrong with me I was at 27mmol/L...
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    Diabetes and Rick Simpson Oil I have questions

    This some very interesting information for sure. I am type 2 diabetic and have been on a shit load of diebetic drugs. I have gone on a diet recently and so far have lost 18 pounds. All of a sudden (with in a week) my levels were dropping to 3.8-4.2 while I was at work. I started weening myself...
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    Just begining

    I have Doctor that is willing to sign the papers needed for Health Canada. Question I have is Must you wait till Paper comes back from Health Canada in order to be legal? I really dont want to wait the 7 or 8 weeks or longer if i dont have to. Thanks for the help.
  9. T

    Looking to help an old woman

    My wife ate half a cookie once and will Never do it again. Never seen anything like it before. ( We are both new to MMJ) I guess that is what they call Greening Out? I guess what I am saying Go SLOW.
  10. T

    People say vaporizers make your meds taste great...but

    I am a newbie to all of this but got myself a Magic Flight Launch Box after some research on line. I really like it. You are right for sure about the learning curve. I was so hit and miss at first it was pissing me off. I seem to have it down now and things are working much better. I also go...
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    New meds HELP

    Do you mean Glimepiride???