Looking to help an old woman

My grandmother has a friend who has a terrible problem with her knee. She is in constant pain and also has anther problem that requires surgery but she cant get it due to her weak heart. So I was wondering if I could give her a small cannabis cookie I made from post-kief trim that I slow cooked 23 hours in a crock-pot. Is it safe to give an old woman with a weak heart a cannabis cookie for her knee pain?


Well-Known Member
im not a med prfessional, but my 80 yr old gma smokes weed weekly for arthritis in her hands


My wife ate half a cookie once and will Never do it again. Never seen anything like it before. ( We are both new to MMJ) I guess that is what they call Greening Out? I guess what I am saying Go SLOW.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why not just give her a bug of weed and tell her to see if she can get any relief from it. If someones egtting stoned or high or whatnot for the firt time, generally better to do it in a manner that is easily controlled, most all i hear of edibles is nothing or totally too much and while fun, not something you want to do every week :D


Well-Known Member
I am going to be honest and say do not I repeat do NOT give her a cookie or any edible if she has not used cannibis before.. I made the mistake of doing this with my brother.. he was 40 never used anything and well it was not a good time.. he ate less then 1g in a 4 hour period.. it was horrible..

have her smoke a small amount first.. unless she is dead set against it.. if she is use very little weed (even saying less then .25 per cookie..) My brother swore he was going to have a heart attack and he was kinda freaking out about it as well.. this made it worse..

to play it safe and since this is a Knee issue.. Try a good salve or topical oil. She really wont have the "high" and will at least get to experience the relief. Maybe even a tincture with tea or hot chocolate?


Well-Known Member
the best way is to use a tincture-

and rub it on the affected area. i use decarboxolated oil, dissolved in isopropyl.

i put in as much as the alcohol will hold. when no more will dissolve into the solution it's ready. buy a bottle of vaseline lotion and dump the stuff in it. i use about 50-70 mL per bottle(eyeball it). rub it on. it works fuckin GREAT.
also it won't get her high. it stays localized.


I read that some use the ABV weed to make the Tincture. I tried this and had my mother in-law use it on her hands and Hip. She was so happy the next morning I was shocked. Her hands stopped hurting and her hip has been hurting less and less each day. She is going for walks now and her hip feels Much better. Nothing her doc gave her has worked this well. So i told her i would continue to save my spent weed and keep her in Tincture.


Well-Known Member
My grandmother has a friend who has a terrible problem with her knee. She is in constant pain and also has anther problem that requires surgery but she cant get it due to her weak heart. So I was wondering if I could give her a small cannabis cookie I made from post-kief trim that I slow cooked 23 hours in a crock-pot. Is it safe to give an old woman with a weak heart a cannabis cookie for her knee pain?
Under no circumstances should you sneak anything on you grandmother. As we get older our body responds to medication differently. Often much smaller doses are needed, and side effect can be many and extreme and more often at higher doses. Her age alone is a big deal.
What do you mean by "weak heart"? You should know specific conditions and how severe she is. Cannabis will raise you pulse and may lower your Blood Pressure. Now you may check this on your young healthy self and find your B/P nor pulse changes significantly but her pulse could go real high and B/P drop a lot. This is not a pretty thing its sort of like running a chemical stress test on your grandmother right there in the living room. I realize that's the extreme but well its her heart.
If granny is alert and aware of her meds and she wants to try MJ. The tincture may be an alternative that is feasible, I like to use a canna-Olive oil that I put as few drops of a alcohol extract in as a rub for arthritis and find it helpful. A vaporizer may be a good alternative as well to begin with but eatables would be a later step due to the possible intensity and duration of eating MJ.
This is not a poll RIU and give granny some MJ type of problem. This is I have researched my ass off about MJ with her specific problem, her age, previous drug use and her current medications all consider. Oh yeah, and consulted with a doctorhers hopefully .
Look I'm not 80 but I have 80 year old health problems, including the heart stuff. You don't fuck with this stuff. I know you want to help but you can't take risks with life and MJ can be very risky with heart problems.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yes, pot lowers your blood pressure, but increases your heart rate, so I would be cautious. Definitely start out with a very small dose if she wants to try it.