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  1. M

    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    @beuffer with this experiment, im only using what would be on hand in an average household. so no clonex or dome besides a sandwhich bag or something. as for cloning solution, if i was to use one, isnt there a willow tree that excretes a natural rooting hormone? @Dwezelitsame did germinating in...
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    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    @newbie Im not looking at anything as an insult. People just assume that I was talking pure peroxide which would kill all available organic nutes in the soil. like you said, trace amounts. I understand the risks of using both, just dont understand how people can totally shut down curiosity but...
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    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    lol come on yo....people use bat shit and cow shit but scared to use ya own? thats backwards. (not saying i would, just a thought) How do you know all that "guano" comes from where they say it comes from unless you collect it yourself? even if you do that, you would rather collect another...
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    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    its natural fert! no cost! plus, im pretty certain it wouldnt taste or smell like piss.
  5. M

    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    lol again, i would dilute....i believe i read that it should never be the first 2 of the day and like 4 drops to 500ml or 16.9 ounce bottle of water. i would probably experiment with several measurements of strength. but can you seriously tell me youre not atleast interested in finding out the...
  6. M

    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    of course i wouldnt use full strength peroxide, and if i were to do this experiment i would use regular peroxide from rite aid or somethin because the purpose of my experiments are to see what kind of yield and quality i can obtain using little to no money. as a side note, i have also heard of...
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    My First Micro Grow!!

    This is my first grow ever! I've been reading plenty of info for years now and i think im finally ready to give it a shot. Im keeping it simple and cheap. I will be using Miracle Grow moisture control for my soil and doing a 12/12 light cycle with cfl's the entire way through. I will be using...
  8. M

    Cloning in PEROXIDE?

    im not a science guy but i can guess that peroxide is just water with an extra oxygen atom right? so would it be feasible to try to get clones to root in peroxide? my thinking would be that the extra oygen would help stimulate root growth? I read some article posted on some forum somewhere...
  9. M

    seltzer water.........has any one tried

    I believe i read something about using peroxide a while back. peroxide is like water with an extra oxygen atom so i would assume the effects would be similar however, with peroxide you should be careful with the nutes especially if they are organic. the peroxide would make it easier for both...
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    First Grow! Bag Seed CFL Pc

    thanks. Ive read up on growing for about 2 years before i actually gave it a try. I was planning on mixing the soil with regular dirt from outside to make it easier but im not sure if thats a great idea. also i will be running 12/12 the entire to help keep them short. how will lsting help out...
  11. M

    First Grow! Bag Seed CFL Pc

    This is my first grow. I will be using bag seed ( already started the germnation process) and a PC grow cab that i made myself. everything is really cheap....i used an old pc that sitting in the basement and gutted it out and lined the inside with foil. I hooked up 2 cfl lights inside and as...