Cloning in PEROXIDE?


im not a science guy but i can guess that peroxide is just water with an extra oxygen atom right? so would it be feasible to try to get clones to root in peroxide? my thinking would be that the extra oygen would help stimulate root growth? I read some article posted on some forum somewhere (memory is shot ) that they water with peroxide every so often and its helps with root growth ??? Its my first time growing and in a few weeks i want to take clones. I planned on rooting them in water only as i dont like too many extras with my growing, adding nutes is already a big step for me.

Has anybody tried this? does this even sound like it would work? also what about seltzer water?


Well-Known Member
im not a science guy but i can guess that peroxide is just water with an extra oxygen atom right? so would it be feasible to try to get clones to root in peroxide? my thinking would be that the extra oygen would help stimulate root growth? I read some article posted on some forum somewhere (memory is shot ) that they water with peroxide every so often and its helps with root growth ??? Its my first time growing and in a few weeks i want to take clones. I planned on rooting them in water only as i dont like too many extras with my growing, adding nutes is already a big step for me.

Has anybody tried this? does this even sound like it would work? also what about seltzer water?
Try it and see.


Active Member
Dont do it it will destroy the clones. Why fuxk with a system that works. I get clones rooted in a week with just water. I cant imagine peroxide doing any better then the hormones in rooting gels/powder. Dumb experiment if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Dont do it it will destroy the clones. Why fuxk with a system that works. I get clones rooted in a week with just water. I cant imagine peroxide doing any better then the hormones in rooting gels/powder. Dumb experiment if you ask me.

Guess it won't hurt for him to take a clone and try to find out if his hypostasis works or not... I don't think it'll work but who knows


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put it in soil but cloning is an interesting idea, maybe very diluted though.. experiment if you have the ability.
I would love to hear results
Perhaps it would be good for fungus gnats in a way, hmmm. My cinnamon therapy has worked great.


Ursus marijanus
I have used low doses (5 ml to 2-3 gallons) of peroxide in my spray cloner to hold down the bacteria. It worked fine. A friend used 2 ml of just ordinary chlorine bleach, also with good results ... no slime, yes roots. Do not combine with K-L-N or other root hormone/vitamin products, obviously. cn

<edit> I used the 29% "food grade" peroxide from my local casa de hydro.


of course i wouldnt use full strength peroxide, and if i were to do this experiment i would use regular peroxide from rite aid or somethin because the purpose of my experiments are to see what kind of yield and quality i can obtain using little to no money.

as a side note, i have also heard of people diluting piss and using that as a fert as well. Supposed to be high in N.....anyone heard of this? might be another experiment one day.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
bad Idea. Peroxide from rite aid has some sort of bad shit for plants in it. I can't remember exactly what but something that will harm plants. Do some searching here on riu i'm sure you can find a relevant thread. Food grade or horticultural grade only. Dilute to the specifications you want.

omg don't piss on your plants. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
of course i wouldnt use full strength peroxide, and if i were to do this experiment i would use regular peroxide from rite aid or somethin because the purpose of my experiments are to see what kind of yield and quality i can obtain using little to no money.

as a side note, i have also heard of people diluting piss and using that as a fert as well. Supposed to be high in N.....anyone heard of this? might be another experiment one day.
LOL @ using piss... Remind me to never smoking anything you've grown. You should be like the poster boy for why people should grow their own weed lol. You must be really bored or curious or both.


lol again, i would dilute....i believe i read that it should never be the first 2 of the day and like 4 drops to 500ml or 16.9 ounce bottle of water.
i would probably experiment with several measurements of strength. but can you seriously tell me youre not atleast interested in finding out the outcome? lol the more i talk about it, the more i wanna do it.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Well it's become apparent we have another finshag here.

Try shitting on em. It's all natural fertilizer too. :joint:



On second thought I guess i'll stick around and see where this goes:clap:


lol come on yo....people use bat shit and cow shit but scared to use ya own? thats backwards. (not saying i would, just a thought) How do you know all that "guano" comes from where they say it comes from unless you collect it yourself? even if you do that, you would rather collect another animals than ya own? foh!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
you are right you don't.

Go Piss and shit in a bottle shake it up real good and use it as a foliar spray. I bet when you are done that shit will be stanky dank.:weed:
A very small amount of a bacterial agent cleanser, like bleach or peroxide, probably isn't going to hurt anything. Beyond that you'll probably injure the plant...


Active Member
I was under th impression of him fillin a glass of peroxide then soakin his rapid rooters or rockwool in it. Ive used water carbon filtered then added a tiny bit of horticultural peroxide for fungus control but never str8 up H2O2. Yield will not increas becaus of the method you use. Yields increase the next 3 or so months when you grow it out properly.

The bat guano you get you only use trace amounts. Human shit will give you diseases like ecoli or listaria. Now thats on funky dope iwont smoke. If you use bat guano you run the same risks but its alread matured like cow manure. And that can still burn the shit out ofyour plants. I understand the originality stand point but common there has to be a guideline to follow. Thousands of posts to pick through.we are not in any way insulting you just trying to lean you into a more accepted truth.


Well-Known Member
Why would you take h20 and turn it farther away from that by adding extra molecules. Dude some clonex solution and a dome with water works just fine. Although go and get your experience points and give it a try.


@newbie Im not looking at anything as an insult. People just assume that I was talking pure peroxide which would kill all available organic nutes in the soil. like you said, trace amounts. I understand the risks of using both, just dont understand how people can totally shut down curiosity but will be all gung ho about using different types of other animal' guano.

@vincent I think im going to use peroxide on the next go around. maybe 1/8 of an ounce to a standard 500ml bottle of water? because of the properties of peroxide do you think it would aerate the soil? and if the soil does get aerated wouldnt that mean more space for more roots?

I dont consider myself a grower. Im a self described cannabis experimenter. The methods that people use today to grow, germ, train and even harvest their plants was just an experiment at some point too. Im looking for other, innovative ways of producing some good stuff.