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  1. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    Thanks for all the feedback! It's definitely due to a low (acidic) pH, looks a lot like yours blonddie07, but instead of lack of oxygen (I have 5' bubblers in all the buckets), I believe it was due to a failure to circulate the water, leading to a toxic brew. At least, that's what I'm...
  2. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    Appreciate the advice.......I'm a babe in the woods, apparently.
  3. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    Wow.....not one reply? Nobody has any advice about the best way to flush over-fertilized hydro system?:confused:
  4. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    This is in relation to my previous post ('Look familiar?' with pics under 'Indoor Growing'): and directly relates to: Web Gallery Wizard™ (thanx 'xbravoz'---GREAT site), which is where I borrowed the attatched 2 pictures, as...
  5. RisingStock

    Over-fertilization question

    This is in relation to my previous post ('Look familiar?' with pics under 'Indoor Growing'): and directly relates to: Web Gallery Wizard™ (thanx 'xbravoz'---GREAT site), which is where I borrowed the...
  6. RisingStock

    Look familiar?

    Thanks for the link xbravoz. AND the advice skunkushybrid (BTW, they're in bloom)...... From what I saw and read from you guys, over-fert seems a likely culprit. Growing w/o a PH meter is akin to getting into a gun-fight with a knife, so I ordered one and learn. If anything else...
  7. RisingStock

    Look familiar?

    Thanks for the response. DWC means 'Deep Water Culture' meaning the roots are immersed in water with a bubbler to provide oxygen. I've done it before, with great results, albeit on a much smaller scale. (sorry, I didn't make DWC that clear before). So, reducing the watering is not much of an...
  8. RisingStock

    Look familiar?

    Man....I sure could use some help. I've been all over the web trying to find out whats wrong with my plants. In a nutshell, the leaves are curling down. (See pics) As is often the case, the symptoms could be indicative of a variety of problems(I've seen lack of nitrogen, light too hot, dry...