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  1. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Week 9 --------------------- Mothers and pre-blooms separated into their own sections (see pics) Both have fresh, pH adjusted water Added a weak nute mix (Flora Nova Grow) to mother and pre-bloom reservoirs -------------------- Week time does fly, eh....actually, was just way late...
  2. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Week 8 ------------------------ Changes Only: pH adjusted water added as needed ------------------------ So....week 8. Well, besides a monstrous change in growth, not much. Hard to tell whats what in the pics, as it looks a bit like a jungle. Noticing some real differences in height, between...
  3. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Just to hit on a couple quick questions (genfranco)... There was a lot of growth in week 5, but in the next post (week 8) ANOTHER spurt.... Ph is around 5.8-6.2, depending how cold the water is, I suppose. Honestly, this is my first time using a pH meter (I used the litmus strips before) and...
  4. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Week 7 --------------------------------------------------------- Changes: Cut holes in the tray to fit each individual netpot, plants now rest in the solution (except the 3 momz) Changed the water--Added a stronger fert mix ------------------------------------------------------- Week 7---no...
  5. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Thanks cheetah...... I'm always pretty happy with the Veg stage of my Ops. It's the Bloom stage when problems always seem to arise (Thats the main reason for this thread, so I can hopefully get it right,then just replicate.) We'll see........
  6. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Week 6 --------------------------------------- Changes: -Added a weak 'grow' fert mix for the 1st time. -Removed incandescent light. -Raised CFL a bit. -Turned off heating mat. Plants showed explosion of growth...
  7. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Comments and responses from/ to AL....... Hi Rs, can't promise I'll check in here often No worries, I appreciate the comments Al. If that's incandescent (makes light with a glowing wire filament), please smash it... Oh snap! Done and done. Thanks If you have started in rockwool, you must...
  8. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Correct me if I'm wrong, seriously....but DWC stands for Deep Water Culture, correct? Meaning the roots are totally immersed in the medium, which mine are-right? If I've mis-named it, please let me know. But my understanding was that in a DWC, unlike flood or drip ops, the roots are always...
  9. RisingStock

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Wow, I learn something new EVERY time I check in here. Thanks a million Al, you're like the Encyclopedia Brown of Indoor Op's. I've started my own Op, completely trying to copy everything I've learned here. Only difference is, it's going to be DWC, just because that's been where I've had the...
  10. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    Thanks cheetah......yea, I'm super stoked about this, as I think Sea of Green (SoG) is IDEAL for indoor growers. This isn't my first op, but this is my first attempt at SoG. It just makes sense, no matter what light you have, deep foliar penetration is difficult, at best, and the lower parts of...
  11. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    I'm going to be keeping a photo journal of a new grow op I'm starting, based on Al B Fuct's SoG thread: First and foremost, thanks Al, we're in you're debt. I freely welcome all comments and critique's, anything...
  12. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    Thanks Groprofosho, I agree with you that it may be an uptake problem of some kind, but I doubt it's root rot----the roots are truly admirable, white and thick. I wish the plants looked as good as the roots did! By the way, are you running a DWC as well? I thought maybe they weren't getting...
  13. RisingStock

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Thanks for setting me straight........especially concerning the Superthrive and digi ballast (someone had mentioned them and were never clearly contradicted, which I took as a silent approval) Anyway, that'll save me serious dinero. I envy your winters---it's freezing here. Anyway, in the...
  14. RisingStock

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    A few questions popped up as I was reading, as well. When you have the time....... First, totally off base, but how do you change your handle? Mine says 'RisingStock---stranger. That bothers me for some reason..... Anyway, back to the questions: 1) Why would you use a dehumidifier in winter...
  15. RisingStock

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey Al, just finished reading 57 pages of GREAT information, thanks much. I know quite A FEW many 'lazier' stoners (looking in MY general direction:rolleyes:). One thing I noticed was quite a few of the same the interest of the next person, I've taken the liberty of summing it...
  16. RisingStock

    Brown Trichomes but SMALL buds

    I'll get some pics up this weekend, but I've taken some and just looks like a green jungle (albeit a sickly looking one)....hard to see the definition on the buds.....wish I could describe it better, but very green, or vegetative. In the meantime, that sound familiar too anyone? (I'll look...
  17. RisingStock

    Brown Trichomes but SMALL buds

    Hi guys (and gals) Some advice from those wiser (and more experienced) than I would be appreciated. Here's the details: I've got a hydro op going (I've run ops before, but never of this magnitude) 5 five gallon buckets Deep Water Culture (1 plant per bucket). 1 Strawberry cough, 2 Bubblegum, 2...
  18. RisingStock

    Look familiar?

    I've ordered a pH / ECC meter on e-bay....otherwise, I'd tell you what the pH was..... Got plenty of bubblers, so O2 shouldn't be a problem and if anything the water is WAY to cold.......what kind of problems would that cause?
  19. RisingStock

    Over-fertilization question

    I've ordered a pH / ECC meter on e-bay....otherwise, I'd tell you what the pH was..... Got plenty of bubblers, so O2 shouldn't be a problem and if anything the water is WAY to cold.......what kind of problems would that cause?
  20. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    I've ordered a pH / ECC meter on e-bay....otherwise, I'd tell you what the pH was..... Got plenty of bubblers, and if anything the water is WAY to cold.......what kind of problems would that cause?