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  1. BongFiend420

    Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

    Subscibed, I hope you post some of the opium production process on here.
  2. BongFiend420

    Time to make some opium!

    This is interesting regardless, SUBSCRIBED !
  3. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Does anyone know the reason for this leaf on my one plant to be slightly curling upward ? Here is a pic Here are both of the videos I took today -
  4. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Hey whats up all I just got home and took a quick couple videos of the plants and a few pic. Ill upload them, let me know what you think. I have my 125watt CFL arriving here tomorrow and Im upgrading some things in my grow, should be fun. Im open to any advice or input. This is the Green...
  5. BongFiend420

    too much co2????????????

    Trust me if you are using home Co2 2 litres, there is not enough Co2 to mess with the plants. Marijuana loves Co2 and my friends have kept their Co2 burners upto 2000 ppm with no problems.
  6. BongFiend420

    can i collect dry spores? + rep

    O my bad I didnt see that u said a dry mushroom I thought u just meant dry spores. Im not actually sure if u can make a print with a dry shroom
  7. BongFiend420

    can i collect dry spores? + rep

    Yea you can collect dry spores. You can make your own spore prints and spore syringes no problem. Look into making spore prints. Check this site, it tells all
  8. BongFiend420

    Should I be worried?

    Dont blaze there no more, Especially if you live in the states. In Canada our police just tell us to throw it on the ground, usually no fines or anything. All depends on if the cops a dick
  9. BongFiend420

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    Thanks for following my grow man I appreciate it. I subscribed to yours.
  10. BongFiend420

    Plant Problems Whats Up ?

    Thanks man ill keep you up to date, if you have a grow let me know so I can subscribe. Rep is on the way my friend.
  11. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    New light tomorrow, ill update the pics and load a vid. Can you view the vids fine ?
  12. BongFiend420

    Looks great man, I hope I see some clones from the beautiful mothers.

    Looks great man, I hope I see some clones from the beautiful mothers.
  13. BongFiend420

    Droopy, curling leaves in HYDROTON? PIKS

    Man thats a god damn healthy plant, I think they might just be drooping, cause she needs a hair cut. Pluck a few of the older leaves off.
  14. BongFiend420

    Droopy, curling leaves in HYDROTON? PIKS

    The only thing I can think of is possibly your pH or maybe over watering. If your over watering then she wont be able to breath and drooping can occur. The leaf still looks very healthy though.
  15. BongFiend420

    Plant Problems Whats Up ?

    As if I only got 2 responses, kinda disapointed bout that. But thanks for the input guys.
  16. BongFiend420

    Plant Problems Whats Up ?

    I like the way you think, thanks bro. You know how it is being new to growing, you worry about everything. Ill make sure rep comes your way. Thanks Again.
  17. BongFiend420

    Plant Problems Whats Up ?

    anyone know whats up ?
  18. BongFiend420

    Plant Problems Whats Up ?

    Do they have a deficiency of some sort ? Copper, Iron, or Magnesium ?