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  1. G

    light and flowering questions please help i can grow the plants out tall then just simply lay the pot sideways and start flowering and it will just grow to the top again?
  2. G

    Please Help!!

    i plant on useing a sifter and removing most of the nutes, then i plan to use bat guano. would this work?
  3. G

    light and flowering questions please help

    im not the informed on SCROG and im to high to understand the faq hahaha but i was planning on doing the LST method with 4 plants (the container may only be 1 1/2 feet tall but its 5 feet wide. if SCROG would be better i guess i could give it a try but wouldnt LST work too?
  4. G

    Please Help!!

    ok thanks for the help man :)
  5. G

    light and flowering questions please help

    thanks for the help man :) only prob is is my grow space is only 1 1/2 feet tall :S :S thats y i need to start flowering when they are smaller, idc if it yeilds less really, all i care about it potentcy
  6. G

    Please Help!!

    Hey everyone i just got done germinating my seeds and im now ready to sprout them. should i just put them into regular potting soil..its sucks i know but i only have MG, should i add any fertalizers like bat guano or anything? should i water them right away or should i wait?
  7. G

    Please help. newb question

    i think i found was called chrome duck tape. is this correct?
  8. G

    light and flowering questions please help

    Hey everyone, ive been searching the forms and have read that you can start flowering a plant when it is just 3 inches tall!!?? is this true? if so will the buds be less dank? will you yeild considerably less bud then if you grew it to a foot then flowered? also i was wondering if 2x 42 watt CFL...
  9. G

    Please Help

    is there anyway to increase the chance that your plants will turn out females? im currently germinating 12 seeds. any help would be awesome. thanks
  10. G

    Please help. newb question

    duck tape can be used as a reflecter?
  11. G

    Please help. newb question

    nah i just didnt know but i just read the faq and i think im ganna go with the white rooftop coating paint. the rubber or w.e called. that should work perfect
  12. G

    Please help. newb question

    ok lol this is probly a really dumb question but i gatta know. i just started a grow box and i have 4 flourecent t5 tubes on the top lid so that when u close the trunk the lights are in perfect position. but the bad thing is the side of the box are black, which we all know doest reflect light...
  13. G

    Help with grow box please

    {I have no experience using CFLs so won't comment on that but your idea to get a short strain and use LST seems sound to me. Give it a try! Worse thing is you'll learn a bunch of stuff and the best outcome - well we both know what the best outcome is :leaf: Regarding ventilation in that small...
  14. G

    Help with grow box please

    no one else?
  15. G


    hahahahahahahaha lol im not laughing at u im just really high lmao but haha idk if it would help. why not tho? it works for pumkins hahaha
  16. G

    Help with grow box please

    oh ok cool thanks :) ive had a couple people tell me that the box i have how i have it now should work. the plant SHOULD naturally grow to fit its surroundings so hopefully they will stay fairly small, like little bushes, but to suffice for my height problems i plant on useing the LST(Less...
  17. G

    Help with grow box please

    any one? :/
  18. G

    Help with grow box please

    Hey everyone i was just looking for some help with a grow box im starting. its 1 1/2 feet tall and 5 feet wide and like 2 1/2 wide. i only plan on growing like 2 or 3 plants not to many and i was wonder if 1 intake and 1 outake fan would be good enough to support them since its not such a big...
  19. G

    Miracle Grow?

    hahaha i supose i could lol but that would look sort of odd in my room. but for 3 plants how many watts of cfls should i use? i also have the inside lined with reflector shields. and will i have to put the light above the plants?