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  1. M

    Marijuana seedlings

    I have two and there looking the same. I’ve dropped minimal water into it so far to prevent over watering
  2. M

    Marijuana seedlings

    There about a week and a half old. I planted them in nectar of the gods 4. I have not soaked them at all. Just used water sparingly
  3. M

    Marijuana seedlings

    I know seedlings can be very delicate so I was wondering if anything was wrong with mine or I should do something different? It’s under a 250 led from about 20 inches away in a tent set at 55% humidity
  4. M

    PPM problems

    Thanks for all the help homie
  5. M

    PPM problems

    Awesome. My next grow I’m definitely switching to coco. I just have no idea why my ppm are sooo low
  6. M

    PPM problems

    Word up! I’ll probably just use that method. Are you growing in soil? Do you feed every watering?
  7. M

    PPM problems

    I’m on blooming and ripening
  8. M

    PPM problems

    I don’t have the other product lines but that’s the numbers I’ve come up with for doses On the back of the trio.
  9. M

    PPM problems

    I’ve been growing in the same happy frog potting soil from veg to flower. I’ve been watering every other day and feeding every other watering at half the dosage recommended by GH trio. It’s been going good, the buds could be a little bigger I think for day 36 of flower. Now that I have a PPM...
  10. M

    Struggling with a new strain

    Should I lower the light?
  11. M

    Struggling with a new strain

    Aww okay. I have an A.C but it can’t compete with the summer heat. Hopefully that’ll break soon lol
  12. M

    Struggling with a new strain

    Started some white widow from seed a few weeks ago and it has been a battle. Haven’t given it any nutes yet, the light is a 250 watt Led that’s about 25 inches away. The temp in the grow has fluxed a bit from 93 to 65. I have no idea what’s the issue. Any help would be appreciated
  13. M

    Rusty brown spots

    Word up. I’ll probably hit them with just cal mag to fix the problem for a feed and then introduce it into the bloom feed
  14. M

    Trouble with a seedling. HELPPPPP!!

    I have no idea what’s wrong with this plant. I started with two clones and there doing great but I tried my hand at a seed and it’s been a struggle. It’s been in The same happy frog soil for a few weeks now and it just has been getting worse. I haven’t feed it any nutes. The light is 250 led and...
  15. M

    Rusty brown spots

    Now would you suggest feeding it just calmag a few times or adding some into the bloom cycle for general hydroponics? Also do you think every other day of watering is enough? Appreciate the help
  16. M

    Rusty brown spots

    That’s what I was thinking! Thanks man I appreciate it
  17. M

    Rusty brown spots

    Just recently these brown spots have appeared. Mostly on the top fan leaves. The bottom leaves don’t have any spots but I’ve been losing a little bit of the leaves to a nitrogen deficiency which I read was normal. I’ve been growing this bud in the same happy frog soil from veg to flower. There...