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    small growromm

    can u grow weed in a closset with no in our outlet and only use a oscillating fan to push the air around?perfect temp and humidity just no in or outlet so will my babies grow? ill be opening the door every day to check up on the ladies?? any advice is very apreciated!!!
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    hesi tnt soil grow

    can i use hesi tnt complex for soil in coco???
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    fresh cuttings

    can u root cuttings under a 400wat hps light but the light be far from the cuts???
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    new growth yellowing

    i forgot to mention that i was boiling my water 24 hours before feeding about 2 weeks ago but i was told i didnt need to, could it be a water problem?? shall i boil my water in the next feed???
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    new growth yellowing

    i have a 10ft by 5 ft room and the temp sits at 75 and humidity at around 60% i have a good in and outlet and using a 400 wat hps. i have a few cuttings freshly potted in plagron batmix and i have 2 3week old plants which stand about 35cm, i noticed today when i fed the 2 older ones that when i...
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    temperature problem

    i have a inlet behind my oscillating fan which blows air all over my room, then the other end is my outlet, im goin to get a cheap humidifier, do u think it will raise my humidity??
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    humidity trouble

    i have a room 10ft long and 4ft wide and 8ft in hieght, i have 2 400watt hps lights and fresh potted cuttings! i have a nice airflow but humidity is really low, 27%, if i was to get a cheap humidifier would it raise it at all??? the in and out let are quite small and i think there perfect size...
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    temperature problem

    i dont want to use a heater for electric, what iv been told is put a smaller in and outlet in my room and the room will hold the heat and abit more humidity as my humidity is real low aswell, do u think its a good idea??? cheers guys
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    temperature problem

    2 400 watt lights, the building its in is very cold?? the lights are very high up but i like to start them high and lower!
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    temperature problem

    can i cause a little more heat by lowering lights abit??
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    temperature problem

    i have a perfect room, i have 2, 400 watt lights sittin above 14 plants, but my room is cold, ,the temp is 69f on and 59 off but they only been in one night,my lights are about 5ft away from my fresh cuttings, can i just lower the lights to create more heat on my plants?? and raise the pots from...
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    Plagron Batmix

    iv just bought plagron batmix soil and was wondering if its too strong for cuttings fresh cuttings?? iv heard its good stuff but never used it before! do u feed it normal grow furtilisers?? any help would be apreciated !!!
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    green but dry leaves

    sounds ok but wont the door bein open help the air get to the plants?? im goin to try get the temp abit lower tho and see if i can get a bigger inlet, will humidity help get the shine back in the leaves??
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    green but dry leaves

    my plants are growing but not as fast as they should because of humidity, but is the humidity problem stopping my leaves from having that healthy shine??
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    green but dry leaves

    the room is shut off perfect when lights off !!
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    green but dry leaves

    i cant get any pics sorry, im using good soil from a local hydro shop and i water when the pots are dry and light to pick up! my rooms about 7 feet in height and 1 and half foot wide and 7 feet long! my in and outlet is small fans but i also leave the door open for temp reasons, is it the...
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    green but dry leaves

    its vital to get your humidity right and temp to get fast growing healthy weed plants, but cant get it up for shit!! some strains are different tho but most like the perfect inviroment which is 50-60% hum in grow stages!! just cant get it up!!
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    green but dry leaves

    im goin to try get it up but its harder than it sounds!! could it be ph problems?? or furt issues
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    green but dry leaves

    could it be too much feed??? theres no yellowing just no shine to my leaves!!
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    green but dry leaves

    im using 400 wat light ,i have 4 new cuttings in a lil cupboard, im using pots and good soil, my ph is 57-6.0 and i have a ec rod so my feed is ok.i have a in and outlet, luckily the room had 2 vents in for me so no makin holes!! my plants at 7 days were dark shiny green but now its 2nd week in...