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    question about my air circulation

    really appreciate it! but one last quest do i need a simple clip on fan to use it there or is it fine how it is
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    question about my air circulation

    wait, so use my exhaust fan to draw air from the top of the grow tent and send it outside, then open flaps in the bottom of my grow tent so cool air can go in? like this?
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    question about my air circulation

    hey i just started trying to grow and couldnt figure out why my plants wouldnt sprout in my grow tent until i figured it was because there was no oxygen in there lol stupid i know, but i just set up my exhaust fan to draw air from the top of my tent and have it brought to the bottom like i read...
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    newby probs

    i think the manure has nitrogen cant be sure though
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    newby probs

    i starte another today already, and its 17 days in under 1 400 watt mh bulb. now if i get the fox farm soil in the future would i need to add perlite to it. it seems to be recovering quite well from the nute burn
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    newby probs

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    newby probs

    also as far as being a dwarf idk because it was in a place in my tent where it got significantly less light then my others so i figured thats why it grew so small
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    newby probs

    ok, i have no way of getting any anytime soon though, and when putting in the soil i mixed it with black gold cow manure, does that have the same effect as the perlite would have
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    newby probs

    what is this and more flushing? what tells you that
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    newby probs

    bump bump bump
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    newby probs

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    newby probs

    hey guys im just wondering if my plant is remarkably small and whether i should flush it some more its recovering from nute burn and has been flushed multiple times.
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    2 eafs formed into 1

    but where im talking about it seems im missing a leaf where its morphed in
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    2 eafs formed into 1

    look at the leaf my thumbs touching, its 2 leafs morphed into 1
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    2 eafs formed into 1

    ignore the root burn i already flushed
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    2 eafs formed into 1

    look att this pic of my plant as you can see there is 2 small leaves morphed into 1, i cant eem to find anything about that online
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    plant problems, possible nute burn?

    ok thanks guys, and do you guys think it may have stunted their growth over the last couple of days. do they look especially small for 10 days old?
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    plant problems, possible nute burn?

    hey guys, this is my first time growing so im seeking some advice. what would you say looks to be wrong with my plants? i just gave them nutes foir the first time 2 days ago. the more yellow one i just recently transplanted. thankyou