2 eafs formed into 1


Well-Known Member
Can't tell anything abnormal in that pic, and can't see the root burn either, but quit feeding it until it's at least 2 1/2-3 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Not seeing it either. The leaves alternate as usual. Well, I am seeing what you think are two morphed leaves but that's not the case, those are the two outer blades that never got to grow because you burned them so badly. Because the rest of the leaf is burned it now sort of stands out.


Well-Known Member
look at the leaf my thumbs touching, its 2 leafs morphed into 1
Nope sorry, that's just a finger of the same leaf. First you get a leaf woth one finger, than with three (the one you are touching), and if you keep her comfy it will continue to add more.