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  1. P

    Bury weed till it gets nice & moldy?

    He's refering to riddles method of boiling water and adding it to the soil. It's supposed to deprive the root zone of oxygen
  2. P

    That breeders say 75% amber trichomes at harvest, is that ok?

    Same thread on ic eh? Look at some of riddles grows and look at all the early Amber he gets
  3. P

    At what point do you decide that your plant is ready for blooming nutrients?

    Supposed to help strengthen plants and make them slightly more resistant to plants and pests, however if you give too much it can cause some funky growth I think. Causes the plant to grow too fast.
  4. P

    help diagnose my plant

    Relax on your ferts Which ones are you using
  5. P

    help diagnose my plant

    Nute burn and possibly calcium issue?
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    At what point do you decide that your plant is ready for blooming nutrients?

    I'm yet to experiment with some silica. I have armor si but I havnt used it yet, from what I've read it makes your watering alkaline so make sure to bring the ph down
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    Ready to Flower or Not?

    Honestly you could flip now if you'd like, personally I'd top a few or lst and wait another 2-3 weeks myself
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    At what point do you decide that your plant is ready for blooming nutrients?

    Oh I agree with that I stick with dg foliage pro throughout the entire grow I do my best to keep green leaves thru the entire grow
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    first time grower needs jedi advice

    Mel franks marijuana growers guide is another good one
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    Ready to Flower or Not?

    Some plants will do that regardless of the photoperiod, while others won't start to show preflowers until you induce 12/12 or 13/11 or even 11/13
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    Ready to Flower or Not?

    You can flip them whenever you want
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    At what point do you decide that your plant is ready for blooming nutrients?

    No offense taken, however I don't see what you were getting at by telling me about a pk boost? I didn't reccomend for him to have a 10-50-40 ratio or some whacked out crap like that. While your ratio worked for you, kudos. I tend to avoid having to mix 3-5 different products in one. But the...
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    At what point do you decide that your plant is ready for blooming nutrients?

    Keep your leaves green throughout the grow man like others said add "bloom" foods at half strength or stick to a 3-1-2 for veg and a 1-3-2 for flower
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    pollin sacks in veg???

    Some plants will mature after vegging for a period of time regardless of photoperiod. If you don't plant to breed and make seeds, pull it, however know that seeds made in your garden will have an imprint of their environment so their offspring can thrive in it
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    Don't hate me please... Plant diagnostic questions

    What's the npk ratio for what ur feeding
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    can anyone tell me???

    I wanna say a potassium issue
  17. P

    Should i transplant?

    Go ahead and do it
  18. P

    Should i transplant?

    Pop it outta the container and post a pic