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  1. ItsJustMe84

    how long until i crop?

    There called original sensible chronic lights, from herbies seed bank.. i only got them because there meant to be a good strain for beginners.. i agree ive fucked up loads of times with this grow and theyve just got through it..
  2. ItsJustMe84

    how long until i crop?

    Chronic lights in the pics but i also have amnesia haze but i already knew that was gonna take abit longer..
  3. ItsJustMe84

    how long until i crop?

    My only issue now is finding the right time to take them down.. how long do i have to flush with water for?
  4. ItsJustMe84

    how long until i crop?

    So do u think they might fatten up abit more?
  5. ItsJustMe84

    how long until i crop?

    Come the 22nd of december my plants will of been in flower for 8 weeks, with 5 weeks veg.. so with 2 weeks left to go im not sure if they even look anywere near ready.. im happy with the size its just all the bud hairs are still milky white. Its my first grow so im not sure.. opinions guys?
  6. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Ive got a good idea what the electric bills gonna be, altho its a few hundred its minor compared to amount of money ill save not having to buy weed, providing it all goes good of course.. whats the benefits of growing autos?
  7. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Hey cheers for that, i can see this coming in very handy
  8. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Wow as if thats mad mine showed sex within 4 weeks but my seeds were all femanized so they might be different to bag seed..good luck tho and keep me updated
  9. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    If you check the stalks on par with the nodes on the main stalk there should be 2 little hairs coming out of the side. At the stage there at they should be showing there sex now, just check up n down the main stalk... hopefully all will be female.. chances are you'll at least get 2 of the 4
  10. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Have ur bag seed show signs of there sex yet?
  11. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Thats it, take what ppl say on here with a pinch of salt also ive been told my plants were dying, ive been told to add stuff i didnt need.. only u can learn nobody cant tell u shit unless there in your room with you.. theres alot to take on.. hopefully i get a nice yield out of this so its all...
  12. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Yeah it defo makes sense not to go investing yet.. i admit alot what u read onlinr about perfect temps n that are probably a little far fetched. Ive had guys telling me the flash from my camera will make my plants hermie soo not every rule is set in stone, i just try to stick to it because i...
  13. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Im sure if he had been growing for 30 yrs he would of controlled his humidity at some point .. unless he was extremly lucky he wouldnt of grown good weed with humidity too high or too low.. any grower will tell u that, plus if you're humidity is too high or too low it probably means you're temps...
  14. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    I know im only a noob myself but humidity control is extremly important.. too high you're buds wont dry properly and u risk mold.. too low and you're growth will be poor .. for the price it costs to get a decent hygro meter.. a humidifier and a dehumidifier its well worth it in the long run...
  15. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Yes first day of ice for me too.. the heater defo gives out a deep red glow.. like i said ive covered the enterance with black n white and the temps have stayed above 16, i can see a little bit of the first 3 plants when i stick my head in but after that it goes into total darkness... next time...
  16. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Cheers dude but im not sure it will cut it. I bought an oil filled 600w and it didnt even raise the temp by 1c, the heater i have is pumping out 1200w and still only raising the temps by 7c max... it gets very cold were the rooms sitiuated and its not the smallest of rooms either.. it would help...
  17. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    I already do mate.. its freezing in the uk at the moment and my grow is in an attic room so i have no choice.. temps have dropped as low as 10c with radiators on through the house.. with this heater im getting like 17c which is nice.. id risk abit of cold if it didnt send the humidity through...
  18. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Ive had problems with mine and u learn from it. To me controlling you're enviroment is key.. i owe alot of my growth to high humidity in the first 8 weeks... but as it nears the end ive totally reversed it to were my humidity rarely goes above 40% and u see huge changes in you're plants, ive...
  19. ItsJustMe84

    lights from my heater

    Thanks for that i have just read that amnesia haze can take upto 4 months but the yields are usually alot biggee than nornal.. judging by my plants id say that sounds about right.. i wont pull them until there done.. it'd be nice to have them down for xmas but id rarther have them at there full...