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  1. T

    first grow, couple questions

    ph is good, I check with strips as a meter is a tad too pricy right now. and I was told that cal-mag is not necessary as I have city water and it already has enough in it. are the cfls positioned correctly enough for the plants to benefit from them?
  2. T

    first grow, couple questions

    and about the cfls.... I don't want to put them too close to the hps I am afraid they might get too hot
  3. T

    first grow, couple questions

    it is already on 1ml per liter nutes, it has definatly shown some uumphhh since I gave it the nutes
  4. T

    first grow, couple questions

    yes I will always remember that after this experience. currently starting a royal queen power flower fem, seed that I got for free in an order and if she shoots up faster than this one then this one is getting trashed and the royal queen will step in hahaha
  5. T

    first grow, couple questions

    dr jeykll and mr hyde what do you think about the little thing? its been in dwc bucket for about 2 weeks now I feel like I should have way more growth...
  6. T

    first grow, couple questions

    yes I have put the light closer since the start of this thread now I am just wondering about the slow growth...
  7. T

    first grow, couple questions

    this is the little thing today added cfls
  8. T

    first grow, couple questions

    not fem, but it is really starting to get some growth now. no more stretching and it is starting to get the second leaf set. I just ordered some seeds and I got a free fem seed. its a royal queen power flower. I am germinating it and if it sprouts and gets bigger than the bagseed I am throwing...
  9. T

    first grow, couple questions

    I have been feeding it nutes since it sprouted because the nutes I am using say that they can be used on seeds/seedlings. I will post some pics tomorrow of it and I have just moved the light closer and did the back of the hand test and it should be fine. and with the nutes, I took the suggested...
  10. T

    first grow, couple questions

    and should I throw in a few cfls around the hps for veg? or just let it go on the hps?
  11. T

    first grow, couple questions

    hello I am growing for the first time in my closet and I am not getting the progress I have expected, my stem is long and skinny and only a couple leaves so far. I am doing a dwc bucket and I have moved the little guy into the bucket already and it is under a 150 hps, (all I can afford atm) I am...