first grow, couple questions


hello I am growing for the first time in my closet and I am not getting the progress I have expected, my stem is long and skinny and only a couple leaves so far. I am doing a dwc bucket and I have moved the little guy into the bucket already and it is under a 150 hps, (all I can afford atm) I am running a drip ring at the moment and the leaves are green as can be but the growth is just extremely slow. I have been feeding it nutes since it sprouted. any advice?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

A few pic's would help allot, but it sounds like your plants are stretching, you may want to lower the lights just a bit, and likely the CFL's as side lighting will help
Dr. Jekyll

Why have you been feeding it nutes since it sprouted? how old are they now?
Mr. Hyde


Active Member
All plants focus on the root system before foliage.
But as J and H mentioned.
Babies need very little food as apposed to a hearty teenager !!! :O)
~~Less is More~~


I have been feeding it nutes since it sprouted because the nutes I am using say that they can be used on seeds/seedlings. I will post some pics tomorrow of it and I have just moved the light closer and did the back of the hand test and it should be fine. and with the nutes, I took the suggested amount for seeds/seedlings and halved that once again so I am giving them very little right now, but it is loving it, not burn or yellowing, good greenish color to the leaves. I believe it has been two weeks and im just starting to get second leaf set


Well-Known Member
Is it feminized....cuz I grow a lot of bag seed and that's how most of my males start out...js...u don't know fo sho till bloomity bloom but shoot...drj was prolly right and mrh is just a mean dickhole lmao jkjk


not fem, but it is really starting to get some growth now. no more stretching and it is starting to get the second leaf set. I just ordered some seeds and I got a free fem seed. its a royal queen power flower. I am germinating it and if it sprouts and gets bigger than the bagseed I am throwing it out.


Well-Known Member
Id put the lights closer if u can? The closer the lights the less stretching you get:bigjoint:


dr jeykll and mr hyde what do you think about the little thing? its been in dwc bucket for about 2 weeks now I feel like I should have way more growth...


yes I will always remember that after this experience. currently starting a royal queen power flower fem, seed that I got for free in an order and if she shoots up faster than this one then this one is getting trashed and the royal queen will step in hahaha

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
dr jeykll and mr hyde what do you think about the little thing? its been in dwc bucket for about 2 weeks now I feel like I should have way more growth...
it looks okay for a young seedling, not sure how close your CFL's are but they should be about 1 or 2 inches
Dr. Jekyll

We have never grown DWC as we like the simplicity of hempy, but the first few weeks are always painfully slow.
I would consider starting 1/4 strength nutes fairly soon, as that may pick up the pace, but don't go crazy with your nutes
Mr. Hyde


ph is good, I check with strips as a meter is a tad too pricy right now. and I was told that cal-mag is not necessary as I have city water and it already has enough in it. are the cfls positioned correctly enough for the plants to benefit from them?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
ph is good, I check with strips as a meter is a tad too pricy right now. and I was told that cal-mag is not necessary as I have city water and it already has enough in it. are the cfls positioned correctly enough for the plants to benefit from them?
We prefer the GH pH drops, not expensive and way better than strips (even the pH tester drop in fish stores is better than strips)
CFL are most effective if close, like 1 or 2 inches, much more than that really limits their value
Dr. Jekyll

Hum, well depends on your city, is it soft or hard water?
If you have very hard water you may not need cal-mag, but if soft you likely will....just my humble opinion
Mr. Hyde