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  1. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    So do I go straight to 18/6 light cycle or keep it on 24 hours until they get a little bigger? What's a good size to switch to the 18/6 light cycle?
  2. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Well I pulled the seed off of the second one that poked through
  3. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Well the other one popped out about an hour later looked better than the other one will post pics after I get off work!
  4. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Yeah its a good experience so far imo!
  5. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Plus it was up out of the soil a day faster than I thought it would be lol it was only under soil two days I figured it would take like 3-4 guess I freaked out and thought something was wrong too quickly. Gotta learn some patience haha
  6. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Thanks man. Well if anything doesn't look right to me I'll probably ask a question about it as soon as I can so I can solve whatever might be wrong lol kinda picky I guess you could say
  7. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Closer in sorry first time cropping picture with this phone.
  8. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Yeah its starting to stand up now looks real light green to me but who knows I'm pretty high right now. Looks like it is shedding some skin or something.
  9. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Pretty green and healthy
  10. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Sweet I kinda figured that because it looks pretty green and health
  11. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Sorry here is the pic
  12. cdd10

    Seedling popped through, but slightly bent over??

    Well after two days my seedling popped through the soil, but is slightly bent over. Any certain reason or will it straighten up. Got the lights 3 feet away temps are 75° with almost 40% humidity. 400w MH light need more info? Only fed it ph 7.0 water so far in roots organic soil with dolomite...
  13. cdd10

    After germination

    Am I making myself look silly by asking all these questions? Lol
  14. cdd10

    After germination

    Here is my ventilation setup
  15. cdd10

    After germination

    Btw I appreciate the help guys
  16. cdd10

    After germination

    Well my light is 3.5 feet away with temp of around 78.6° and humidity of around 33% I need more humidity huh?? I am thinking my inline fan might be pulling all the humidity out??? I have passive exhaust that should be good enough thinking of putting a bucket of water in there to see if that...
  17. cdd10

    After germination

    Sorry I'm such a newb, but gotta start somewhere any help would be appreciated I don't just wanna ask someone where I live lol I don't want anyone knowing. I think I'm doing this correct from what I've been reading..
  18. cdd10

    After germination

    Thanks man! The seeds had sprouted about a quarter inch so I put them in the pots, 1 gallon for now, first I watered the soil until runoff and waited a second so it would settle, then put them in dark tent with saran wrap over them until they poke up through the soil. Then I'm gonna turn on the...
  19. cdd10

    I am major scared

    No it didn't require a signature
  20. cdd10

    Use a 4in or 6in fan / carbon filter for a 4x2x5 grow tent?

    I have a 6 inch in a 39x39x79 tent and it works very well