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  1. cdd10

    7-gallon pots?

    Think I could get away with 7-gallon pots in a 39x39x79 tent?
  2. cdd10

    Why am I not high?

    Smoke more.. Haha
  3. cdd10

    First time with shrooms

    2cb is the shit.
  4. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Nice thanks for the info. I need to figure out something for that socket cord so it's out of the way..
  5. cdd10

    RollItUp Magazine

    I agree dude haven't been on here long but I think it's a good idea!
  6. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Well I put my GrowBright thermometer about 3/4 way up the tent. Then I hooked up the probe and have it where I think the tip of my pots will be and it's reading 78° that should be alright I would think
  7. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Oh really. The attic doesn't have a door it has a pretty big doorway in the ceiling of my garage Hm. Now ya got me worried lol
  8. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Gotta wait on another paycheck and I'll be ordering one! :)
  9. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Btw zem I didn't feel like texting all this so here is the full extent of what I have done to date,-what-ya-think? Might help ya to see with what I'm working with?
  10. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    And I'm exhausting to the attic. And getting air from the spare bedroom the tent is in so that shouldn't be a problem right
  11. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Okay I get what you're saying. I do have a question though. Where should I place my thermometer in the tent to get the most accurate reading. I mean if I just sit it on the floor it's gonna read hot because the light is beaming down on it right? Thinking about hanging it near the top of tent?
  12. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Ah really now, figured it would help but Thank you! :) so about these passive intake holes. Do I cut them out of my tent lol. I have about three or four port holes I'm not using...
  13. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Oh I'll definitely hook him up temperature is kinda high right now but that's with no fan on inside I am gonna open up two more passive intake holes. My room is light proof no light getting into it, should be safe ya think?
  14. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Yeah and only charged me $75 bucks materials and all lol good deal imo I couldn't have done it better or even close to looking that neat
  15. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    The fan is right at that bend of the ducting. Yeah it should work I turned on the lights about an hour and half ago, people say let it run three hours right to get an accurate temp? I think it will work pretty good
  16. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    I have a 6" inline Booster fan if I need more cooler air coming in. Don't know if I will need it yet.
  17. cdd10

    Got ventilation done what ya think?

    Well I have a friend that does heating and cooling for a living very trustworthy to me so I asked him to do my ventilation. It's 6" ducting going to my attic with a 6" 250 cfm inline fan pulling the hot air out I have a passive intake with the cool air from the spare bedroom blowing in. I have...
  18. cdd10

    Constable saw my plants after break in

    I agree lol
  19. cdd10

    Plant Broke In Half?!?!?!?

    It's worth a shot lol
  20. cdd10

    Opinions on this fan?

    Just need it for some air getting moved around. Didn't think it would hurt plus it is better than a clip on fan and just sits in the corner..