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  1. cdd10

    Bagseed almost there.

    Nice thanks for the helpful info!
  2. cdd10

    Bagseed almost there.

    So basically watch very close if ya do get a hermie get them off ASAP? Understanding correctly?
  3. cdd10

    Roots Organic Soil

    Ah really I did not know that this is my first grow as well. I just watered the soil til runoff the day before I put the seeds in there lol I figured that might activate the lime Lmao oh the joys of learning how to do this I love it thanks for the info man!
  4. cdd10

    Bagseed almost there.

    So how do you keep seed production to a minimum!? Just wanna know if I ever run into that problem lol just cut the balls off? Sorry didn't mean to hijack or anything, that could be useful info for everyone!
  5. cdd10

    Roots Organic Soil

    I did mix it throughout the soil though didn't just pour it in. I'd pour some soil, pack it down, sprinkle some lime, and repeat til it was full. Idk if that's how ya do it but it seemed to work.
  6. cdd10

    Roots Organic Soil

    I was fortunate enough to read up on roots organic soil before I used it. I use original and I just put a tablespoon of dolomite lime in my one gallon pots and I haven't had any problems yet man! Don't wanna jinx myself though lol
  7. cdd10

    Central air/heating question

    Okay, so I use my central air unit to cool my grow room that my tent is in. It's like 66° in there and I have a ceiling fan on at all times. It keeps it around 75.6° with 47% humidity. I have the thermostat to the house set to off and fan to auto because it is winter, will the circulatory fan...
  8. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Oh yeah for anyone that doesn't know, I'm using 400w
  9. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Question. My current temp is like 76.5 with my lights at 18" could I move them closer or should I just be happy with the 76.5° constant with 48% humidity
  10. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Yeah been working seven days a week :/ lol
  11. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Hopefully computer networking after I finish these last two semesters but at a factory right now :/
  12. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Hell yeah what ya do for a living??
  13. cdd10

    first harvest.

    Lol hell yeah! Congratulations!
  14. cdd10

    College Bowl Season

    Lmao that was a good game. I don't get much into college football though for some reason. Basketball on the other hand is awesome lol
  15. cdd10

    College Bowl Season

    I figured the Fresno state/usc game would have been a little closer last time I looked usc was up big lol
  16. cdd10

    Don't order seadz from Attitude

    Nice I wish I would have ordered that much when I did but I have 15 seeds so it's cool for now lol
  17. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Hell yeah! I appreciate it, it's gonna be fun!
  18. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Looks great man!!
  19. cdd10

    First crack at growing. Excited about it!

    Lol I hope so! And really?! That's awesome I wish I could smoke some! Lol
  20. cdd10

    Hey little guy welcome to the world :)

    Welcome! Subbing