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  1. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    True good point hoping for the best lol :) hope it gets cooler around there man! It's supposed to be 7° low here tomorrow with a high of 21° lol
  2. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Yeah that heat is brutal I bet man. Well I just topped the bigger one so yeah I was thinking 1-2 weeks myself. The bigger one is growing taller than the others leading me to believe it might be male. Hope not though.
  3. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Update time.
  4. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Hm that's a tough one. I would say yeah. But it would take some getting used to.
  5. cdd10

    Advice on a Mag deficiency using tap water.

    I think you're right. I had perfectly fine stems a week and I transplanted and they started to turn purple hopefully they recover that's the only sign of stress they showed
  6. cdd10

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    What's wrong with garbage cans.. Oh yeah 2300 gallons haha
  7. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I don't run mine when the lights are out. It's really not that loud. I mean it's noticeable if you are by the room, but it's not like super loud or anything its actually quieter than I thought it would be.
  8. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well I topped the kerala last night, it's looking a little better to me than it was I think I'm gonna use super soil after this grow. I don't really like dealing with nutes I'd rather just water it...
  9. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    That's what I do I usually move them around but really they are all about the same height besides the seedling. I didn't think they looked that stretched lol I've seen worse I keep the light 18" away..I usually stay around 75-76° but usually a little closer than that jumps it to 78-79° and I...
  10. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Oh I know I haven't done a thing different yet lol just waiting to make sure it's what I might think it is
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Damn lol. Now I'm beginning to think the kerala might have n deficiency it's just really light green. Idk. I'm not doing anything to it. But been reading around.
  12. cdd10

    Is all cal mag organic or not?

    Well I learned something I was using that so if i quit ASAP I should be okay? Or have I already killed everything in soil. I used it once in my soil
  13. cdd10

    Is all cal mag organic or not?

    Oh so you shouldn't use botanicare cal mag in organic soil?
  14. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Update. First watering since transplant for the two big bagseed Well i didn't know EDTA was in botanicare cal mag I heard it is bad. I used it in watering but I'm not gonna use it again I just took it out of the grow room haha
  15. cdd10

    Hey little guy welcome to the world :)

    I'd pull that seed off with some tweezers
  16. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well I topped that other one, the biggest. This is my first grow. I might as well experiment just a little now that I know I can keep them alive. Think it will be okay it looks healthy as can be since the transplant six days ago. Sorry to hear about your bug problem that sucks and yeah its hot I...
  17. cdd10

    best ph range for watering plants in soil

    Hm. Never heard it wasn't good. Mine are growing just fine... I use cal mag and roots organic nutrients
  18. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Damn man! I'd be nervous too! Lol
  19. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Cool I'll probably top it tomorrow it will be close to a week, six days anyway.
  20. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I think this grow I'm just gonna top one more time and try lst next grow. I don't want too many things going on my first grow lol question. Could I top the biggest one again right now. It's going on the sixth day from transplant it isn't showing any signs of stress..