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  1. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Update. I don't see any bugs. Idk what the deal was
  2. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well I went in there. Havent seen anything munching on the leaves or flying around. Hm..
  3. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Idk like I said I can't see any bugs anywhere and that's the first sign I have seen from anything that would resemble bugs..but just from reading that definitely could be a possibility. From what I have read though spider mites don't chew holes..
  4. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Looking good green I feel ya on recooping I had to the other day beer and rum drinking game haha
  5. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Okay cool and yeah I've been checking everywhere under the leaves and everything can't find any bugs. Thought I saw something little and white flying through the air but it could have just been soil particles off my fingers flying through air. Other than that can't see anything..
  6. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Okay cool I just don't want my plants dying because of a damn bug lol. And what's up green how ya doing?
  7. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I raked up the soil didn't see anything moving or fly up..
  8. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Okay will do. Thanks I pulled some of that leaf off because it looked black it didn't get munched down lol also if it is bugs then why aren't they going to the other plants?
  9. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    You always know what to say to calm me down haha. I think I stressed too much I cut them off haha... Oops
  10. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    The other plants look normal as hell. And nice I have no idea how to clone I'll have to learn lol
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Man Idk what happened to that plant but I don't see any sign of bugs anywhere. From what I have read in my bible I would at least he able to see the ones that chew through leaves right..?
  12. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    That's a great idea I would love to get out of the US. Lol
  13. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I think I need to move in next door neighbor haha :)
  14. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Yeah I'm gonna keep an eye on them and see if it spreads but I am gonna treat with azamax just in case.
  15. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Oh lol I used a nutrient haha. Only on that plant too and it's the one with that problem. And I did wash them off about an hour or two after I sprayed the soap water on them.
  16. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Kinda weird it's just those two leaves affected on that plant no leaves on other plants have been eaten...Think it could be where I foliar fed the leaves and it burned the crap out of them?
  17. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Okay I sprayed them with soapy water until my azamax gets here. It's always something! Lol
  18. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    So does that look like a pest problem? Lol I think I saw something white fly around. Just one though.. But I don't see anything on the leaves
  19. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Just ordered some azamax but Idk if it's gonna get here for four days Ugh what can I do?
  20. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Got a major problem guys. Just looked at my plants and found that something is eating my kerala but I don't see anything on the other plants or anything... Is it bugs?????