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  1. Hkid427

    Spider Mites

    She is a baby keep in mind
  2. Hkid427

    Spider Mites

    & how often do I treat?
  3. Hkid427

    Spider Mites

    And should I spray the tops of the soil with neem oil and the plant with water/dish soap?
  4. Hkid427

    Spider Mites

    Any preference on the dish soap? and then balance the pH after I add the soap of course?
  5. Hkid427

    Spider Mites

    okay so I popped my head into my tent tonight and found a spider mite, so I looked under the leaves and I noticed tiny tiny specs, that did not move. I read that you should spay them at her age (3 weeks) with only water and not neem oil I was wondering if this is suppose to wash them off when...
  6. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Letsgetcritical, it says 450gm2.....
  7. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Letsgetcritical, I'm buying some tmrw morning!
  8. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Terry385, lol yeah I just picked up the only organic soil I could buy at the time and as I put it in I took out as many wood chips as I could But still she is a fighter!
  9. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Legionxxii, I did only put her in the tent about a week ago, so the first week or so she was stretching for the sun, so ur not completely off!
  10. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    I really doubt she's being stretched out considerering how compact she's coming in. and she's a couple inches away and has been getting 4 t5's but I just now switched her over to 8 t5's
  11. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Indacouch, I know it's too early to tell I'm just worried that the stress will cause it to become male when it comes time to flowering. But I am hoping for the best! And thanks bbyb420 I'll check them out.
  12. Hkid427

    Best Strain? And Overwatering update

    Okay so two things. Any recommendations on where to order the best seed and which strain? Heavy indica dominat is what I am looking for but I would like to have sativa too And two, how to you think my plant is doing? I think it's suffering from overwatering, but rn I'm letting her dry out and...
  13. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Penny for your thoughts?
  14. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Today's update How do you think she's looking?
  15. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Little lower 79.3 canopy temp
  16. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Green217, I'd love to check out ur grow if ur let me
  17. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Hopefully that brings down the temp
  18. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Okay done
  19. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    okay, I'm going to grab that fan, turn it around and put it at the bottom of my tent
  20. Hkid427

    Lime Yellow Curl Fever

    Fuck, should I have gone with a 6"?