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  1. Hkid427

    Pale green Seedlings?

    Okay so I've got some seedling and a few look way toof light of a green. Here are some pics What should I do? And why is this happening?
  2. Hkid427


    I also had some fun editing the photo I took afterwards. ... She's looking better, a little dried milk spots on her, but besides that she's looking healthy. The very few white spots I noticed have gone away!
  3. Hkid427


    I sprayed her with 60% water 40% milk
  4. Hkid427
  5. Hkid427


    It's her name.
  6. Hkid427


    I removed two leaves at the bottom of Cassandera yesterday because I saw they looked sick, I realized that the leaves were sitting on top of the soil and trapped moister there. I am afraid that it has spread a little and don't want it getting any worse or spreading the the 5 seedlings sitting...
  7. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Monday update
  8. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Yes sir, let's see what I can do with them It's my first grow. Look at what I did to Cassandra..
  9. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Well idk if anyone is watching, but for the ones who are.... Here day one of 8 ball kush Triple cheese Buddah Aurora kush Pineapple chunk
  10. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Okay weekly update! Lol my cat watching Cassandra grow :-) She's growin like a weed!
  11. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Wow, I never really listened to classical music but I love it, it's so soothing
  12. Hkid427

    8 or 4?

    Awesome pointer my dude Greatly appreciated ✌️
  13. Hkid427

    I'd love to check your ur grow, how do I find it?

    I'd love to check your ur grow, how do I find it?
  14. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    That's awesome man Yeah pandora kinda sucks because when I'm gone for long periods of time and come back, I come back to a quite grow tent because "pandora pays for each song they play and they don't want to play to an empty room" The room is not empty, Cassandra is in there! And she is...
  15. Hkid427

    8 or 4?

    Damn, are there any bulbs, I could buy to change the watts?
  16. Hkid427

    8 or 4?

    I am only running 4 atm
  17. Hkid427

    8 or 4?

    Greenhouse - can you translate this plz? And is this ideal to flower with or do I need a couple different bulbs?
  18. Hkid427

    8 or 4?

    So what kind of fan do I need to bring air in and take air out Because I'd love to close my tent doors
  19. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Me too, I love just sitting and enjoying the music and watching her grow She is already showing signs that she likes the music
  20. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    I just tuned her radio to classical Right now, Fur Elise - Bradley Joseph is playing